


  • We are happy and proud that so many people think the music video represents heartfelt expression of migrant workers and the underclass Wang said .

    王旭说:很多朋友认为我们的歌声 能够 真实表达了农民工以及 弱势 群体的心声, 对此我们感到很高兴,也很自豪。

  • The creation of a new underclass in China and its implications .

    中国新的 下层 阶级的产生和它的含意。

  • So what if some of that financial largesse could be deployed within the surrounding city blocks creating assets and new wealth within the underclass ?

    因此,何不将慷慨的拨款划一部分用于建设城郊,增加 下层 阶级 人民的财产和收入?

  • Perhaps the most ominous sign for any society is the seething presence of a permanent underclass .

    也许,任何社会最不吉祥的征兆是它有一批在经济上永远 不了 眼前晃来

  • Throughout the 1980s and 90s it was a raw and unflinching expression of the joys sorrows and aspirations of the US ' black underclass .

    20世纪80至90年代,它表达着美国 下层黑人 原始、 直接的快乐、悲伤与心愿。

  • The underclass is the unspoken but ever-present shadow of our modern lifestyle .

    下层 阶级是我们现代生活方式中不可言及却又永远存在的阴影。

  • London has an underclass ( a hateful word to the people in it but no worse and more accurate than the poor ) .

    伦敦有一个 下层 阶级(对于属于这个 阶级的人来说,这是一个令人厌恶的字眼;但它不比 穷人这个字眼更糟,而且比穷人这个字眼更准确地 体现了这个 阶级 特性)。

  • But until they are treated the same as regular employees they will remain a poorly motivated underclass .

    然而,他们也表示除非可以和固定员工享受同样的待遇, 不然 处于 底层 感觉会让 士气 持续 低落

  • China 's new white-collar underclass is developing an intimate connections as they share struggles and seek to adapt to their nation 's changing society .

    中国的新的“ 底层白领”建立起了一种亲密的联系, 于他们一起奋斗,想要赶上中国日新月异的社会变迁。

  • Just as likely he has judged that the forces of Thailand 's underclass cannot this time be so easily contained .

    但也有可能是因为,据他判断,这次泰国 社会 底层 人士的力量无法轻易得到遏制。

  • Atwo-tier labour market provides flexibility but on the back of an underclass of temporary workers .


  • Welfare has become identified with the long-term poor the underclass .

    福利已经与长期贫困的 下层 社会 联系在了 一起

  • Underclass mothers and children .

    下层 阶级的母亲和孩子。

  • At home China has spawned a new caste of millionaires an emerging middle-class centred in large cities on the coast alongside a struggling and increasingly fractious rural underclass and urban poor .

    在国内,中国孕育了一个新的富豪阶层、一个集中在沿海大城市的新兴中产阶层,以及一个苦苦挣扎、越来越难以驾驭的农村 下层和城市贫民阶层。

  • The basic problems of the inner-city underclass are inadequate housing and lack of jobs

    老城区 底层 人群面临的基本问题是住房 紧张和就业不足。

  • As the poor underclass is the central focus the theory tries to explain its growth in the process of its adaptation to society from social situation perspective .

    该理论的中心 关照对象是贫困 群体,它试图从情境出发,解释社会适应过程中 贫困 群体生长的原因。

  • A new survey shows that the long-term unemployed are becoming a new underclass and the survey covers a wide geographical area .

    一项新的调查表明:长期失业的人正形成新的 贫困 阶层,而且此项调查覆盖的地理区域非常广阔。

  • Alternative insurance arrangements they added might calm public fears about the risk of creating a genetic underclass .

    他们补充说,变通的保险协议可能平息公众对制造基因 低等危机的恐惧情绪。

  • It is from this underclass and those who take advantage of it that most of the violence springs & the violence which is one of the least pleasant aspects of American society .

    也正是这个“ 社会 底层”,有些人利用它, 制造大部分暴力事件,这成为美国社会最不和谐的一个方面。

  • The implication that an unequal society was inevitable and fair and that a black inner city cognitive underclass was having too many children made it seem as though eugenics had never gone away .

    这暗示着,社会的不平等是不可避免的,也是公平的,而城市中心的黑人认知 下层 阶级生的孩子太多,使得优生学似乎从来没有消失过。

  • Will the opening of public schools to these children from the social underclass increase their social mobility ?

    公办学校向 农民工子女开放是否会带来社会流动 机会的增加?

  • An inconspicuous urban underclass lives in squalor .

    在这个肮脏破败的地方居住着不为人注意的城市 下层 阶级

  • Generation by generation these people strive perpetually in the underclass .

    一代接一代,这些人 只能终身在 下层 社会苦苦 挣扎

  • He believes that unemployment is socially divisive and is leading to the creation of an underclass .

    他认为失业会造成社会分化, 贫困 阶层的产生。

  • The long-term unemployed now constitute a sort of underclass .

    长期失业人员现在构成了一个 底层 阶级

  • An underclass boy named Wusan entered a monastery without revealing his status .

    有一个叫无三的孩子出身 贱民,只好隐姓埋名进了寺院。

  • And as long as China finds no better way to educate its rural poor it 's staring down a future with a100 million-strong underclass .

    如果中国找不到教育农村人口的更好方式,那么该国的未来将不甚 乐观

  • The US underclass is bulging .

    美国的 下层 阶级 人数正在 扩大