under the rule of

[ˈʌndɚ ði rul ʌv][ˈʌndə ðə ru:l ɔv]


  • Shape of a painter under the rule of the tsar was the image of intellectuals .

    画家塑造了一个在沙皇 统治 遭的知识分子的形象。

  • It takes sense to do researches on the construction of the Government under the rule of Law because it is the key portion of the policy to be a Country under the rule of Law .

    法治政府建设是 法治国家方略的核心组成部分,对其进行研究具有深刻的现实意义。

  • Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II-Rome was involved in many bloody and unpopular military campaigns .

    皇帝克劳迪乌斯二世 统治 罗马卷入了诸多血腥和不得人心的战争。

  • It strengthens state legislation and law enforcement so as to bring all work of the state under the rule of law .

    加强国家立法和法律实施工作,实现国家各项工作 法治化。

  • To rule the country by law and build a socialist country under the rule of law is our countrys basic general plan and the objective of ruling the country .

    依法治国,建设社会主义 法治国家是我国的基本治国方略和奋斗目标。

  • To perfect China 's NPC budget approval system is the urgent need to construct constitutionalism and a country under the rule of law .

    完善我国人大预算审议制度是建设宪政与 法治国家的紧迫需要。

  • China is is a country under the rule of law and its citizens fully enjoys the freedom of religious beliefs .

    中国是一个 法制 国家,其公民完全享有宗教信仰自由。

  • China is a country under the rule of law .

    中国是 法制国家, 我们 依法办事。

  • The judicial examination mechanism has obtained universal establishment in the modern western countries under the rule of law .

    摘要司法审查机制在现代西方 法治国家已得到普遍确立。

  • In 1492 under the rule of King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I Jews Gypsies and Moors were expelled from Spain .

    公元1492年, 国王费迪南二世和王后伊莎贝拉一世 统治 ,犹太人、吉普赛人和摩尔人被逐出西班牙。

  • From the Law 's Accordance to the Law 's Norms : The Key of Building the Government Under the Rule of Law

    从法律的依据到法律的规范: 法治政府建设之关键

  • Indicated the establishment constitution belief in constructs in the Chinese characteristic socialism country under the rule of law advancement the function .

    表明建立宪法信仰在建设中国特色社会主义 法治国家进程中的作用。

  • The judicial application of the constitution helps to establish the authority of the constitution and to build a real country under the rule of law .

    宪法司法适用有助于树立宪法权威和实现真正 法治国家。

  • The poor people were under the rule of a cruel king .

    不幸的人民处于残暴的国王 统治 之下

  • Moreover the north and south under the rule of a country 's different regions the language of integration is inevitable .

    更何况北国与南国是一个国家 统治 的不同区域,语言的相互融合也是在所难免的。

  • In societies under the rule of exploiting classes there are various kinds of mental workers .

    在剥削阶级 统治 社会里,有各种各样的脑力劳动者。

  • It is a basic principle that the police power shall be legally exerted in an effective and limited scope in a government under the rule of law .

    警察权应该在有效、有限的范围内依法行使是 法治政府 一个基本理念。

  • Its aim likewise was to overthrow imperialism and feudalism but it too failed and China still remained under the rule of imperialism and feudalism .

    也是为着反帝反封建,但是也失败了,中国仍然 帝国主义和封建主义 统治 之下

  • That was precluded by the very nature of strictly monogamous marriage under the rule of the man .

    男子 统治 牢固的个体婚制的整个本质,是排斥这一点的。

  • We should promote political restructuring develop democracy improve the legal system rule the country by law build a socialist state under the rule of law and ensure that the people exercise their rights as the masters of the country .

    推进政治体制改革,发展民主,健全法制,依法治国,建设社会主义 法治国家,保证人民行使当家作主的权利。

  • The General Counsel System : the Golden Crutch of University Management under the Rule of Law in China

    总法律顾问制度:我国 高校 法治化建设的 金拐杖

  • Athens was suffering under the rule of an oligarchy that had no concern for the people 's welfare .

    雅典当时 饱受寡头集团的 统治,他们对人民的福祉毫不关心。

  • From the significant meaning contractual society in the modern sense is essentially a society under the rule of law .

    从现实意义上来讲,现代意义上的“契约社会”实质上就是 法治社会。

  • The constitutional protection of civil property rights is the fundamental requirement of a modern country under the rule of law .

    财产权的宪法保护是现代 法治国家的根本要求。

  • The two smaller islands were under the rule of Aryan and were known as Atalya and Eyre .

    两个较小的岛屿 雅利安 统治着,分别是安塔利亚和艾尔。

  • - a decent society with a level playing field and fair competition under the rule of law ;

    莫特麦克唐纳是一个提供公平机会的雇主。一个廉洁、机会均等、公平竞争 法治地区;

  • France was suffering under the rule of Napoleon the Third .

    拿破仑三世 统治 法国苦难深重。

  • Under the rule of imperialism feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism the productive forces of the old China grew very slowly .

    旧中国 帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义 统治 ,生产力的发展一直是非常缓慢的。

  • Our company is under the rule of honest and promise Innovation kindness honor factualism ;

    公司 秉承诚信、创新、亲切、荣誉、务实的原则,希望和广大客户及朋友齐心共建,开创未来。