under the circumstances


  • I realize it 's extreme but under the circumstances .

    我知道这很极端,但是 现在 情况里。

  • Under the circumstances I think I should come to Los angeles .

    这种 形势 ,我想我应该去洛杉矶。

  • He acted morally under the circumstances .

    这种 情况 他的行动仍然符合道德标准。

  • Do you really believe under the circumstances .

    你真的认为 这种 情况

  • That is troubling but understandable and necessary under the circumstances .

    这令人担忧,但 当前 环境 是可以理解的,也是必要的。

  • And I think that 's very odd to say under the circumstances .

    我想 那种 情形 是很古怪 话。

  • I think I did pretty well under the circumstances .

    我想 那种 条件 我会做得更好。

  • A deal that gets it out and saves face is under the circumstances not bad .

    这种 情况 ,一笔既能带领其走出死胡同、又能挽救其面子的交易是个不错的选择。

  • Under the circumstances it is the best conceivable .

    这种 状况 再也想不出比它更好的了。

  • Go ahead and plant the potatoes now . It 's the best I could do under the circumstances .

    你可以去种你的土豆了,目前 这种 情况 ,我只能为你做这些了。

  • But under the circumstances the delegation appears reasonable .

    但是 这种 情况 ,授权看起来仍然是合理的。

  • You have picked what seems the best plan under the circumstances .

    你已经选择了 当前 条件 的最佳方案。

  • But all in all life went on as happily as was possible under the circumstances .

    但是,总的说来, 这样 环境 生活算是过得够愉快的了。

  • One wonders why this should surprise anyone since these seem to be perfectly reasonable reactions under the circumstances .

    这很奇怪,因为这些似乎是人 这种 情况 最合情合理的反应,这不应该会使任何人吃惊。

  • Under the circumstances I feel it right that you should know .

    目前 情况 ,我觉得让你们知道是对的。

  • Under the circumstances of the present situation of students and the demands from the present times the subject of this paper is brought on .

    本文从学生现状和时代要求入手,提出了 职高语文兴趣教学这个研究课题。

  • And under the circumstances it is quite natural that this should be the case .

    这种 情况 ,理所当然,本该如此。

  • She behaved as any upright citizen would have under the circumstances .

    她像所有正直的公民 这种 情况 会做的那样做了。

  • It is imperative under the circumstances to reform and reconstruct our national property taxation system .

    改革和重构我国财产税制 势在必行

  • Under the circumstances we have to defer discussing this subject .

    目前 情况 ,我们不得不推迟讨论这个问题。

  • Under the circumstances he felt unable to accept the job .

    这种 情况 ,他觉得无法接受这项工作。

  • I hardly think that 's advisable under the circumstances .

    我想 这样 情况 那是不可取的。

  • It 's amazing that they did so well under the circumstances .

    他们 情况 还做得那么好,这真令人惊奇。

  • Under the circumstances I can 't do otherwise .

    目前 情况 我不能不这样做。

  • You were right to do what you did under the circumstances

    这种 情况 ,你做的是对的。

  • Under the circumstances I cannot buy the house .

    这种 情况 我不能买这所房子。

  • The broker may still request the principal under the circumstances stipulated in the preceding paragraph to pay the remuneration .

    行纪人有 前款规定 情形的,仍然可以要求委托人支付报酬。

  • Under the circumstances I 'd commit my own grandmother .

    这样 情况 ,我也会对我祖母这样的。

  • Under the circumstances there 's little hope for an early settlement .

    这种 情况 ,及早解决是没有什么希望了。

  • Under the circumstances a crash was unavoidable

    那种 情况 ,撞车是难以避免的。