utility routine

[juˈtɪləti ruˈtin][juˈtiliti ru:ˈti:n]


  • A utility routine taking the formula design of cable jacket with low-smoke halogen-free and flame-retardant for example was certificated .

    以无卤低烟阻燃电缆护套胶料配方设计为例,验证了 程序 实用性。表明该 程序 实用性强,准确度高,速度快,整个运行过程仅需10min左右。

  • Second there is a call to a utility routine to get a flattened representation of the document .

    其次,调用一个 工具 例程来获得文档的“扁平化”表示。

  • Enterprise bank is a financial utility for enterprise financial staffs to implement routine businesses such as enterprise capital 's transfer query trace etc. by means of the financial tool provided by commercial banks .

    企业银行就是企业财务人员利用商业银行提供的金融手段实现企业资金的周转、查询、跟踪等 日常业务的金融 工具

  • Unfortunately such periods of computer inactivity cause problems for Linux which uses a utility called Cron to run routine maintenance tasks in the background .

    不幸的是,这种经常性地关机行为会为Linux系统带来问题,因为Linux使用称为Cron的 实用 工具在后台运行 日常的维护作业。