Volunteers from all walks of life are feeling put upon .
来自各行各业的志愿者们感到被 欺骗了。
They had to conserve the candles now with winter upon them .
冬天 眼看就要到了,他们不得不把蜡烛省着用。
She has entered upon the change of life .
她已 进入了更年期。
We need to recognize that certain uses of the land upon which we live are simply wrong .
我们需要认识到,我们 对自己生活的这片土地的某些使用方式是完全错误的。
He did not act upon my order .
他没有 按我的命令行动。
The claim exposed a weak point in the structure of facts upon which his argument rested
这一主张暴露了 支撑他论点的论据结构的一个弱点。
The wedding season is upon us
结婚旺季 就要来了。
You will bring the blame of others upon yourself if you fail in this .
如果你在这件事 上失败了,就会 招来别人的非议。
Time has left its impress upon him .
岁月 在他 身 上留下了印记。
We must each of us prevail upon our congressman to act
我们每一个人都必须 说服我们各自的国会议员采取行动。
I don 't know how you look upon this matter .
我不知道你 对这事怎么看。
Once upon a time there lived an old man who had two beautiful daughters .
The President absolved his officers and took the blame upon himself .
总统赦免了手下的官员,把过失 揽 到自己的头上。
Row upon row of women surged forwards
一 排排的女人涌上前去。
The main fear was that both sides may seize upon a ceasefire and free food aid to rearm .
最担心的是双方可能 利用停火和无偿食品援助的机会重整军备。
Upon conclusion of these studies the patient was told that she had a severe problem .
这些研究的结果出来 后,病人被告知她的病情严重。
The door on the left upon entering the church leads to the Crypt of St Issac
This is a reflection upon your honour .
这 对你的名誉是一种损害。
I looked across the mountains ridge upon ridge .
我放眼绵延起伏的 群山。
He bent forward and laid a kiss softly upon her forehead
他弯身向前, 在她额头上轻轻一吻。
He set the tray upon the table
他把盘子放 在桌子上。
I look upon this as my home .
我 把这当作我的家。
The donor engraved the following inscription upon it .
捐献者 在它上面刻下了如下铭文。
I felt his eyes narrowly upon me .
我感到他的眼睛在紧紧地 盯着我。
She retorted upon me saying I was to blame .
她 反驳我,说我才应该受责备。
I imagined the eyes of the others in the room upon me .
我觉得屋里其他人似乎都在 盯着我。
The settlement of the issue must not be conditional upon the acceptance of fait accompli .
不能 在造成 既成事实的前提下解决这个问题。
He sent his mother a telegram upon his arrival in Beijing .
他一 抵达北京就给母亲发了电报。
We were set upon by about twelve youths and I was kicked unconscious .
我们 遭到了大约12名青年的袭击,我被踢晕过去了。