


  • After convective clouds are seeded the release of latent heat by deposition process updraft and top of cloud increase distinctly the horizontal scale and rainfall area of clouds are also enlarged .

    催化剂的加入 使得云中凝华潜热释放量增加, 上升 气流 加强,云顶升高,云水平尺度也有所加大, 地面降水区域扩大,降水时间延长。

  • There existed strong vortex and uneven distributing wind in the bellows of lead updraft sintering in a smelter .

    某冶炼厂铅 鼓风烧结风箱内布风存在严重的涡流现象与 偏析现象。

  • Updraft and downdraft Heating Ventilating and Air-conditioning Unit

    上曳 气流和下曳气流

  • The main results were obtained that : ( 1 ) The measured error on rain rate caused by the updraft is larger than that by the downdraft in the vertical direction .

    结果表明: 模拟 上升 气流对雨 测量的影响大于下沉 气流,垂直气流速率越大雨 测量误差愈显著;

  • Complex terrain in southern Xinjiang region sparse vegetation land surface temperature differences and easy to form a strong updraft .

    南疆地区的地形复杂,下垫面植被较稀少,气温差异大,容易形成强烈 上升 气流

  • The sub-circulation caused by coupling of left convergence of east jet at 850 hPa and right divergence of entering place of southwest jet at 200 hPa supplied a continuous and powerful updraft .

    850hPa偏东急流左前侧的辐合区与200hPa西南急流入口区右侧辐散 重叠产生的急流次级环流为 雷暴提供了持续强劲的 上升 运动

  • The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards thermal updraft

    沿船体 上升的气流, 上升 烟柱 热气

  • But it must be noted that this approach has the risk of filter divergence and in the practical application the updraft and downdraft producing from convective precipitation makes wind fields exhibiting nonlinear .

    但是必须注意到,这种方法存在滤波发散的风险。并且在实际应用中,对流性降水产生的 剧烈 上升、下沉气流使得风场信息表现为非线性。

  • 3D Modeling on Relationships among Intracloud Lightning Updraft and Liquid Water Content in a Severe Thunderstorm Case

    强雷暴个例云内闪电与 上升 气流及液水含量关系的三维数值模拟

  • Anyhow the velocity and distribution of updraft has a relatively great impact on the intensity of precipitation and distribution of radar echo intensity profile line .

    上升 气流速度和空间分布对于 地面降水强度及雷达回波强度廓线 具有较大影响, 特别是对于需要将 上升 气流作为初始场的一维层状云模式来说, 上升气流的选取存在一定的困难。

  • Finally the mechanism for the effect of the updraft restraint of the hailstorm on micro-physical processes is analyzed .

    最后,文中还分析了 人工抑制 上升 气流影响云中冰雹形成的微物理机制。

  • The results show that the relatively strong cloud development ( with the high updraft velocity ) can strength the difference of cloud droplet chemistry resulting from the nucleation of aerosols and the condensational growth of cloud droplets .

    计算结果表明:较强烈的云发展(较大的气块 上升速度)可加强由于气溶胶核化和云滴凝结增长造成的云滴化学的非均匀程度。

  • In this type of thunderstorm there is usually only one main updraft which is warm humid air and drawn from places near the ground .

    在这种类型的雷暴中,通常只有一种主要的 上升 气流,即暖湿气流从地面 升起

  • The great speed and force of tornado winds can pick up things as heavy as automobiles and hurl them hundreds of yards . ( 4 ) The updraft causes a very low air pressure within the funnel .

    龙卷风的速度快,力量大,能卷起像汽车那样的重物,把它们抛到几百码以外。 上升 气流,在龙卷风的漏斗中引起低气压。

  • Though its maximum updraft velocity water contents of precipitation particles and instantaneous precipitation intensity are all smaller the cumulative precipitation of Wuhan is more than that of Shaanxi case .

    虽然 云中最大 上升 气流速度、各种降水粒子最大含水量以及瞬时最大雨强等都不如旬邑的 流云个例 ,但累积降水量却比旬邑的大。

  • Ribbon annealing method of updraft non - oxidation furnace


  • The relationship between the updraft vertical velocity and rotating currents is discussed by the use of the analytic solution in the stationary case . The reasons for this relationship are analysed theoretically .

    本文还由定常问题的解析解讨论了旋转气流和垂直 上升速度之间的关系,并从理论上分析了形成这种关系的原因。

  • The formation stages : positive vorticity convergence and vertical wind shear high value area appear at the middle layer and below surface instability energy increases rapidly and the maximum updraft and non-divergence level develop to high layer .

    上海中尺度对流天气形成阶段的主要特征为中层以下为正涡度、辐合运动和垂直风速切变大值区,底层不稳定能量快速增加;最大 上升 速度和无辐散层发展至高层。

  • It is easier to understand the formation of the strong updraft in the case of an unstable stratification but it is more complex in describing the process of the downdraft inside the cloud .

    在条件不稳定大气中,一支强 湿 上升 气流的形成是很容易理解的,但一支湿下沉气流的发生则比较复杂。

  • Names rising in the updraft amid buildings .

    在楼群中随着 气流 上升的名字。

  • It indicates that the occurrence and development of this sand dust are resulted mainly from strong wind and updraft .

    模式 预报出大风、 垂直 速度等气象 条件 要素 演变,表明导致此次沙尘过程的发生、发展主要因素是大风、 上升 气流等。

  • At the beginning of the heat convection thermal bubbles associated with a stronger updraft move upward to a higher level .

    在热对流初期,对流 高度 逐渐 抬高,伴有较强 上升 速度的热对流泡 逐渐升高的 现象

  • During the stage of strong development the slantwise updraft current of the M α CS exhibited the features of convective storm clouds with a warm core in the mid-upper troposphere .

    在其发展强盛期,MαCS 垂直倾斜的 上升 气流显示出对流风暴云特点,并在对流层中高层具有一定的暖心结构;

  • If anabatic movement appears in whole lower layer and the height of the strong updraft center is lower and lower along with time accompanying with strong downdraft in middle-high layers then heavy snowstorm will appear in 2 hours later there .

    整层出现辐合上升运动,且强 上升 速度中心的高度随时间的演变逐渐下降,同时中高层出现强辐散下沉气流与之配合时,未来2小时将出现强降雪;

  • Modeling Evaluation of Effects of Artificial Updraft Restraints in a Strong Hailstorm on Its Precipitation

    人工抑制 上升 气流对冰雹云降水影响的数值试验研究

  • The results indicate that the upper edge of middle negative charge region correspond with the ambient region of updraft and center of horizontal speed field . Because the transfer distance of discharge is long strong discharges mostly locate in the region and develop to upper layer .

    结果表明,在中部负电荷区域的上边缘,对应 上升 气流 外围、水平流场中心部位的区域,因为放电传输距离较长,所以强放电区主要落在这些部位,且向上传输。

  • The results indicated that the advantageous large-scale circulation field and the coupling of upper and lower air jets in Dalian region as well as the invasion of cold air from the northern part of North China with suitable intensity would directly result in the enhancement of vertical updraft motion .

    结果表明:有利的大尺度环流场,高、低空急流在大连地区的耦合,在提供了 充沛 水汽 能量的同时,华北北部强度适宜的冷空气的侵入,直接导致垂直 上升运动加强。

  • The simulation results shows that moisture convergence is mainly caused by warm-moist airflow from southwest and the atmospheric stratification of warm-moist airflow area keeps in an unsteady state all the time while the dramatic fluctuations of updraft lead to embedded convective clouds .

    模拟结果分析表明:此次积层混合云的水汽辐合主要是由西南暖湿气流提供,且西南暖湿气流区域的大气层结始终处于对流不稳定状态,而 均匀 上升气流场中的波动导致了对流云镶嵌其中。

  • Nss-sulfate indirect forcing may be overestimated in some conditions ( such as updraft is low ) because of the presence of sea-salt particles .

    也就是说,在有些情况下,如果不考虑 海盐气溶胶的作用,硫酸盐气溶胶对云特性的影响会被过高估计。