up front

[ʌp frʌnt][ʌp frʌnt]


  • You usually have to pay three months rent up front .

    通常你需要 提前支付3个月的租金。

  • I noticed some strange new scratches up front .

    我发现车 前面有些陌生的新 刮痕

  • How much design up front ?

    多少 预先设计?

  • You can 't help being biased so you may as well be up front about it

    你难免会有偏见,倒不如干脆 坦然承认。

  • That 's why you 're in the back and I 'm up front .

    所以你在后面,我在 前面

  • She got in to the bus and sat up front near the driver .

    她上了公共汽车,坐在 前面近驾驶员的座位上。

  • While Groupon invested up front to grow quickly in a couple of years yelp nurtured its growth slowly .

    Groupon则是通过 预先投资,在几年间实现了飞速发展,而Yelp则按部就班地实现着增长。

  • That means you 've done all of your requirements up front just like in a waterfall model .

    那意味着您在 前面做完了所有的需求,正如瀑布模型。

  • In order to hold your reservation I 'll need a10 % down payment up front .

    为了保留你预定的东西,我要先收10% 定金

  • I would really feel better if you paid me up front .

    你如果 先付我钱,我会感觉更好。

  • Since she had a shop and they wanted to bargain with her she never advertised discounts up front .

    因为她有间店,他们都想和她讨价还价,所以她从来不 预先打折做广告。

  • Why don 't you call up front the office ? Mr.

    你为不打个电话 前面的办公室去?

  • I 've watched a few games and they have some pace up front .


  • I played up front when I was younger but I dropped back because I was too slow .

    我年轻时 位置也比较 ,后来撤回来是因为我太慢了。

  • I hope you get seats up front .

    我希望你能弄到 前排的座位。

  • I was to step up front and center to help you out .


  • My only downside was a mistake with my bill I booked the room via an external website & paid for it up front .

    我唯一不满意的是我的账单错误,我通过外部网站进行了预定,并 预先款。

  • We paid everything up front .

    我们 预先所有款项。

  • We then went to the room and realised why they had asked us to pay up front .

    我们进到房间的时候才知道为什么他们一定要我们在 前台 付钱

  • I note right up front that nutrition like training is very individual .

    最近注意到营养和训练一样都是很 个人化的。

  • Some companies charge a fee up front but we don 't think that 's right .

    有些公司 预先收费,但我们认为那是不对的。

  • She get on the bus and picked a seat up front

    她上了公车,找了个 前面的座位

  • We 'll pay you up front .

    我们会 预先付款。

  • Contrast this to arrays in C where space for the whole array is allocated up front .

    将此与C中的阵列相比,其中整个阵列的空间都是 预先分配的。

  • By planning this up front we can really start to understand our requirements team 's capability .

    通过 预先计划,我们可以真正地开始了解需求团队的能力了。

  • I hope that is okay . I did declare up front that this was a personal opinion piece .


  • They know we have three up front .

    他们知道我们有三个 进攻点。

  • On this project I did not have a lot of up front design .

    在这个项目中,我没有做太多的 预先设计。

  • For the first time the government 's actually put some money up front

    政府居然 预付 一笔钱,这可是有史以来第一次。