up-to-date style

[ˌʌptəˈdet staɪl][ˌʌptəˈdeit stail]


  • I like up-to-date style but this furniture seems too mod-ernistic to me .

    我是喜欢 新式样的,但这套家具似乎太时髦了。

  • We provide a full range of products of assured quality and up-to-date design which are proven fast sellers in domestic markets for the past years Cut flush : Binding style with the cover cut flush with the pages .

    本厂产品品种齐全、质量可靠、款式 新颖,历年来畅销国内市场。齐旁装:装订的 款式。书籍的书皮和书页一起切齐。

  • The furniture in up-to-date style will highlight your rooms .

    款式 新颖的家具令居室生辉。

  • Offer the most up-to-date conveniences and comforts while maintaining its traditional age-old style .

    既提供最 现代的方便和舒适,又保留古老传统的 风格