


v.举起( uplift的过去式和过去分词 )振作(社会、道德等)发展使上升

  • I felt uplifted by his speech .

    他的讲话 使精神 大振

  • The smooth flavor of green tea is uplifted with refreshing notes of orange and lemon .

    顺畅的绿茶口感 提升加上了橘子和柠檬。

  • If we were not uplifted by god .

    若不是上帝 托起了我们。

  • We are supposed to be uplifted by these stories but they depress me .

    对这样的故事我们都会 感到 欢欣鼓舞,可我 感到了沮丧。

  • In an uplifted society sharing is quite normal as the desire exists to help all people to benefit from any discoveries .

    在一个 提升的社会,分享是稀疏平常的,因为这是存在的意愿,帮助所有人从任何的发现中收益。

  • The reservoirs were uplifted to be exposed and be denuded and were changed into the present oil sands finally during the Himalayan movement .

    进入喜山运动,早先 形成的油藏 抬升暴露、剥蚀而最终形成了目前的油砂矿体。

  • They stood in silence their uplifted laces expressing their joy .

    他们静静地站着, 露出他们的喜悦。

  • With uplifted arms he ran towards them .

    双臂 高举着向他们跑去。

  • I was uplifted by the experience .

    这一经历 使精神 振奋

  • You feel uplifted in his presence and a certain kind of relaxation rejuvenation and rejoicing enters your being .

    他的存在会 使振奋,并且有一种放松,复活和欢快的感觉会进入你自己的存在。

  • What does will be uplifted in a form that is in harmony with the higher vibrational levels .

    但是这些都将被 提高,体现出一种更高的和谐振动水准。

  • You feel uplifted in some way when you are around people whose thoughts are filled with loving kindness .

    当你处在那些思想充满仁慈与关怀的人们周围,你感到某种 振奋

  • The people were uplifted .

    人们都 沸腾 起来了。

  • The morphology of the region indicates that it has been uplifted recently .

    这个地区的地形表明,它最近一直在 上升

  • We feel uplifted excited and yet grounded .

    我们感觉到 振奋、激动,并仍感觉脚踏实地。

  • She choked with rage her two fists uplifted .

    高举 双拳,气得喘不过气来。

  • It seemed to me probable that we should have uplifted and converted the defeatists round the table .

    在我看来,也许当时我们本该在桌面上 鼓起失败主义者的勇气,促使他们转变态度。

  • Dancing is the most amazing feeling and you come home mentally uplifted after listening to all this brilliant music .

    舞动给人最神奇的感觉,而且听过所有精彩的音乐后再回家,你的心情也 开朗 了。

  • Think about it and realize that every soul is seeking love and is uplifted by it .

    以此为考虑,你会明白任何灵魂都寻找爱并将之 举起

  • He heard her trembling voice uplifted in thanksgiving and praise God .

    他听得她 提高了颤抖的 音调,在感谢赞美上帝。

  • The increase of women 's income has not only improved the quality of family life in the countryside but also uplifted their social and family status .

    妇女收入的增加不仅改善了农村家庭生活质量,也 提高了妇女的家庭和社会地位。

  • The people were uplifted . A red signal light zoomed to the sky .

    人们都 沸腾 起来了。一枚红色信号腾空升起。

  • I feel uplifted just listening to her .

    听她唱歌我都感到 兴奋

  • The American leaders uplifted by the glorious founded the American Anti-Slavery Society the same year .

    美国的领袖们, 这条令人愉快的消息所 鼓舞,在同一年创立了美国反奴隶制度协会。

  • This bit of the universe seems in my possession now ; and I myself seem to have been uplifted from my ordinary self into another world .

    这一片天地好像是我的;我也像 超出平常的自己,到了另一个世界里。

  • Miss Ley looked at him with uplifted eyebrows .

    莱伊小姐 扬起眉毛看了看他。

  • With a goal in mind you will be amazed at how stimulated and uplifted you feel .

    心中有了目标,你会吃惊地感到你是多么地 情绪高昂和 精神 振奋

  • The men support the ballerinas who pose with their uplifted arms .

    男演员托举着女芭蕾舞演员,她们在上面 臂摆出造型。

  • But when he had become strong his heart became uplifted to his own destruction .

    他既强盛,就 心高气傲以致毁灭。