utilization coefficient

[ˌjutɪlaɪˈzeʃən ˌkoəˈfɪʃənt][ˌju:tɪlaɪˈzeɪʃɵn ˌkəʊəˈfɪʃənt]


  • A new method for making two-step rainbow hologram is proposed increasing energy utilization coefficient .

    提出一种在第一步制作主全息图时,设置狭缝,以提高第二步彩虹全息的光能 利用 的制作方法。

  • The technologies for new pellet sintering is introduced by which solid fuel consumption can significantly be decreased sinter quality can be improved the utilization coefficient of sinter machine can be increased .

    介绍了新型小球烧结法的一些新技术,采用这些技术可以大幅度降低烧结固体燃耗,改善烧结矿质量,提高烧结机 利用 系数

  • In the CCHP simulation system the influence on total energy output and total energy utilization coefficient of CCHP is greater when the request power of micro turbine and the flow rate of cold water changed is smaller when flow rate of cooling water changed . 5 .

    联供系统性能(总能输出量和总能 利用 系数)受微燃机请求功率和冷水流量影响较大,受冷却水流量影响较小。

  • With the tested result of natural ventilation system in an office building in Shanghai analyses the irrationality of using the energy utilization coefficient to evaluate natural ventilation .

    根据对上海一办公楼建筑通风系统的实测,分析了能量 利用 系数用于评价自然通风系统运行效果的不合理性。

  • Software Development and Application about Utilization Coefficient of Irrigation Water

    区域灌溉水利 系数 测算软件的开发与应用

  • The experiment results are used to check the calculation of the HP turbine blisk burst speed and obtain the material utilization coefficient .

    根据试验结果对整体叶盘破裂转速的计算方法进行了验证,反推并验证了该高压涡轮整体叶盘的材料 利用 系数。该研究成果可供工程设计人员参考。

  • The energy integrated utilization coefficient of system approach 76 % .

    系统能量综合 利用 系数能够达到近76%。

  • The maximum hardness largest thickness of the hardened layer and optimal energy utilization coefficient could be obtained under this laser power .

    在该功率下,可以获得最高硬度、最大硬化层深度和最佳能量 利用 系数

  • All these greatly improve product 's yield equipment utilization coefficient and productivity .

    从而有效控制堆钢事故的发生频率,不仅大大提高了成材率与设备 利用 系数,而且也提高了生产效率。

  • The major crops in Heilongjiang province corn soybean and wheat were studied and the dynamic process of the light energy utilization coefficient was calculated based on the curve of crop growth rate .

    以黑龙江省主要栽培作物玉米、大豆和小麦为研究对象,根据作物生长速度曲线,求出光能 利用 系数的时间动态过程。

  • Study on Measuring Method of Utilization Coefficient of Irrigation Water

    灌溉水利 系数测定方法研究

  • The experimental data indicated that it is possible to increase the fines content in the fill thus utilization coefficient of tailings is raised and properties of fill will be improved .

    实验中采用了正交试验设计和 回归分析方法。结果表明,充填尾砂中细粒级含量有可能进一步提高,增加充填尾砂的 利用 ,充填体性质也有所改进。

  • But the mineralization of MgO needs higher temperature and longer time thus the vertical sintering velocity and utilization coefficient of sintering are decreased obviously .

    但MgO矿化需要较高的烧结温度和较长的高温保持时间,垂直烧结速度和 利用 系数有明显的降低。

  • The problems of utilization coefficient of irrigation water rational ratio of well - canal irrigation water water saving and maintaining water resources in water resource development irrigation water management in irrigation district and so forth were discussed .

    探讨了对井渠结合灌区灌溉水利 系数、灌区适宜的渠井 用水比例、水资源开发利用中的节水与养水、以及灌区用水管理等问题。

  • The actual output power and wind energy utilization coefficient can be calculated according to the torque of the blade .

    由得出的叶片转矩计算出风轮的实际输出功率及风能 利用 系数

  • Based on the over years data from 86 meteorological stations in Gansu Province the agro ecoclimatic resources in this province was systematically analyzed . Resource indices Cr efficiency indices Ce and utilization coefficient K were calculated by using the dynamic models of agro ecoclimatic suitability degree .

    为了定量分析和分类评价农业生态气候资源,根据甘肃省86个气象台站多年平均的气候资料,采用农业生态气候适宜度的动态模型,计算了甘肃农业生态气候的资源指数、效能指数和 利用 系数

  • The Effect of Irrigating Water Quota to Field Water Utilization Coefficient

    灌水定额对田间 水利 系数的影响

  • The results showed that the utilization coefficient of power reached the highest at an appropriate range of rotator width .

    结果表明,在合适的旋耕进距范围内,旋耕机功率 利用 系数最高。

  • For Summer flow sheet without heat supply and with lower pressure and temperature of exhaust steam of vapor turbine the energy integrated utilization coefficient of system thermal efficiency of combined cycle are 67 % and 41.48 % respectively .

    在非采暖季,由于没有供热需求,蒸汽循环排汽压力和温度较低,系统能量综合 利用 系数和联合循环热效率分别为67%和41.48%。

  • Analysis on Cutting and Utilization Coefficient of Cold-Rolled Silicon-Steel Sheet

    冷轧硅钢片裁剪和 利用 分析

  • The thermal efficiency of combined cycle gets 38.48 % and the energy integrated utilization coefficient of heat and power cogeneration ( HPC ) subsystem reaches 53.31 % due to rational use of waste heat of exhaust gas to achieve step utilization of energy .

    由于合理利用了燃气尾气的余热,实现了能量的梯级利用,联合循环的热效率为38.48%。热电联产子系统能量综合 利用 系数为53.31%。

  • Objective To observe the change of oxygen utilization coefficient ( O_2UC ) of internal jugular vein ;

    目的观察颈内静脉血氧 利用 (O2UC);

  • The effective utilization coefficient of solar energy for solar water heater

    太阳能热水器的太阳能有效 利用 系数

  • To analyze the influence of coke thermal property for the utilization coefficient fuel ratio smooth running index and coal injection ratio of BF by researching the coke thermal property and building the statistical model .

    通过对焦炭热性能的研究,并建立统计模型分析焦炭热性能对高炉的 利用 系数、燃料比、顺行指数、喷煤比的影响。

  • This text compares the electric sewage-source heat pump with the traditional heating boilers for the primary energy utilization coefficient .

    并将污水源电动热泵与传统的供热锅炉进行比较,计算分析其一次能源 利用 系数

  • The results showed in the basicity range of2032 the ISO tumbler index and utilization coefficient was enhanced sintering velocity increased yield decreased with the increase of basicity .

    试验结果表明,在碱度2.0~3.2范围内,随着碱度的上升,ISO转鼓指数上升, 利用 系数提高,烧结速度加快,成品率下降。

  • A method of increasing energy utilization coefficient ( EUC ) in recording three-slit rainbow holograms is presented .

    提出了一种提高记录三狭缝虹全息能量 利用 的方法。

  • From the point of view of comprehensive utilization of energy it is still necessary to carry out the energy analysis to total energy systems since the total energy systems must have both high thermal utilization coefficient and high exergy efficiency .

    从热能综合利用的角度来看,总能系统宜兼有高的热 利率与(火用)效率,因此,对总能系统进行能分析仍属必要。

  • The results were in the increase of operating costs and the decrease of the utilization coefficient of desulfurization equipments .

    检修费时费力,增加了运行成本,降低了脱硫设备的 投入