


  • This proves far too unwieldy for a universal means of payment .

    对于一种通用支付手段来说,事实证明这种 处理方式太过 笨拙

  • One drawback to solar-generated electricity is the unwieldy panels which look out of place on a traditional home .

    可知, 笨拙的面板是太阳能发电的一个缺陷,因为它看上去与传统的房屋结构不相称,故选。

  • Also if the application has been around for a while the architecture can become unwieldy .

    同样,如果应用程序暂时遍布很多 地方,那么其架构将是 笨拙的。

  • This approach is unwieldy .

    这种方法是 实行的。

  • An overhaul of Greece 's corrupt and unwieldy tax administration has been delayed .

    彻底改变希腊腐败和 混乱的税收管理的计划已经被延期。

  • TV and computer screens used to be heavy unwieldy and expensive .

    电视和电脑的屏幕过去通常很重、 笨拙也很贵。

  • Since the detailed expression is somewhat unwieldy we present it here in its general form .

    由于详细表达有点 实用,我们在这里提出了它的一般形式。

  • If your site is large and unwieldy you may need to reorganize its physical layout into simpler mini-sites .

    如果您的站点庞大而且 笨拙,您可能需要将其物理布局重新组织为比较简单的迷你站点。

  • This is kind of an unwieldy problem .

    这是个 有些 难以 处理的问题。

  • Even a country as coolly efficient as Denmark has struggled to cope with such an unwieldy event .

    即使向丹麦这样沉着、高效的主办者,应付这样一次 庞大 规模的活动也十分吃力。

  • We use the prefixes because URIs and URLs can be pretty unwieldy .

    之所以定义前缀,是因为URI和URL非常 用。

  • But that 's a little unwieldy .

    但是这样有点 笨拙

  • Often as tall as the archer these bows have long range and power but are unwieldy .

    通常跟弓箭手一样高,这些弓具有长射程,巨大的威力但是已经 实用了。

  • Even in the one unwieldy sentence quoted above she makes three elementary mistakes .

    即使是上文引用的那个 笨拙的长句中,切尔茜也犯了三个基本错误。

  • I fear foundational systems will become unwieldy and bureaucratic failures .

    我担心基础性系统会变得 笨拙而官僚, 运转不灵。

  • Country 's unwieldy banking system .

    这个国家 庞大 运作 不便的银行系统。

  • But that 's the point of having larger but not unwieldy team sizes .

    但是问题的关键是要具备大型的但并非是 臃肿的团队规模。

  • Also if a change is required that affects multiple operations within a Web service ( such as a change to a data type shared by multiple operations ) versioning by operation can quickly become unwieldy .

    另外,如果要求进行影响Web服务中的多个操作的变更(如对多个操作共享的数据类型进行更改),按操作进行版本控制可能很快导致整个服务变得 非常 笨重

  • As you can guess this quickly consumes an unwieldy amount of memory .

    可以想像到,这会快速地消耗 大量内存。

  • But the O ( 1 ) scheduler became unwieldy in the kernel .

    但是O(1)调度器在内核中 笨拙

  • Drift tubes however are unwieldy .

    然而漂移管 笨重

  • They came panting up to his door with their unwieldy baggage .

    他们提着 笨重的行李气喘吁吁地来到他门口。

  • For complex interactions and3D environments this method becomes too unwieldy .

    在互动的合成及3d系统环境上,这方法实在太 实用了。

  • This terminology of full and partial repositories is somewhat unwieldy and a little confusing .

    术语完整储存库和部分储存库可能有些 复杂甚至有些让人困惑。

  • It is too unwieldy for practical calculations .

    它用于实际计算太 麻烦了。

  • Our houses are such unwieldy property that we are often imprisoned rather than housed in them .

    我们的房子是如此 不便的财产以至于我们常常被它所束缚而非居住。

  • Her two guns were too unwieldy for accurate shooting .

    她的两门火炮 笨重 至极,很 操作,不能进行准确射击。

  • OK the bed may be too unwieldy or expensive to replace .

    好吧,换张床有可能太 手脚或者太贵了。