updating formula


  • The algorithm divided the image into several different regions by using the image data and measurement data on the basis of linear regression formula updating formula of corresponding area was established and it could make regression operation to the pixel value of the image .

    该算法将图像分成几个不同的区域,利用图像数据和实测数据,在线性回归公式的基础上,建立相应区域的 校正 公式,对图像中的像素值进行回归运算。

  • This paper shows that the pressure updating formula plays a very important role in higher-order accurate projection methods since it affects not only the accuracy of the pressure solution but also the stability of the projection scheme .

    该文通过分析发现,压力 更新 公式在高阶投影方法的 构造中具有非常重要的作用,它不仅影响压力的精度,同时还影响格式的稳定性。

  • The Effect of Integral Key Fit Clearance beyond the Tolerance of Rolling Mill Screw-down Motor on Service Performance of Rolling Mill Influences of Porosity Error on Electrical Properties of Rock and Updating Formula as Well as Correction Charts

    轧机压下丝杆花键配合间隙超差对轧机使用性能影响的分析孔隙度误差对岩电参数的影响及 校正 公式和图版

  • The article studies the effects of carbonization on the performance of lime-sand brick including pore and strength . Influences of Porosity Error on Electrical Properties of Rock and Updating Formula as Well as Correction Charts

    研究了碳化作用对灰砂砖内部孔隙、度等相关性能的影响。孔隙度误差对岩电参数的影响及 校正 公式和图版

  • It is also founded that the pressure updating formula has great impact on the stability of third order or higher order accurate projection methods : using the so called consistent pressure updating formula the schemes can be stable otherwise they can become unstable .

    压力 更新 公式对三阶或更高阶精度投影格式的稳定性有重要影响,采用相容压力更新公式的投影格式是稳定的,否则将是不稳定的。

  • The response spectra in current chinese seismic design code is expounded and an updating formula of the horizontal seismic coefficient for different damping ratios is discussed .

    然后,考虑了阻尼比对结构地震反应谱的影响,分析了我国现行建筑抗震设计规范反应谱,并讨论了不同阻尼比对水平地震影响系数的 修正 公式

  • Influences of Porosity Error on Electrical Properties of Rock and Updating Formula as Well as Correction Charts

    修正系数,校正系数孔隙度误差对岩电参数的影响及 校正 公式和图版

  • Firstly Adding momentum term in the weight updating formula of the BP neural network and applying adaptive method adjust learning rate so this algorithm can improve the convergence speed of neural network .

    首先,在BP神经网络的权值 调整 公式中加入动量项,并且采用自适应方法调节学习率,从而提高神经网络的收敛速度。

  • Influences of Porosity Error on Electrical Properties of Rock and Updating Formula as Well as Correction Charts Seismic velocity can occasionally be affected by porosity and temperature .

    孔隙度误差对岩电参数的影响及 校正 公式和图版孔隙率和温度有时也能影响地震波速。

  • At first according to the different performance of the speed of updating the formula in different optimize phase the typical definition of the concept of circumstances and four typical cases of specific forms are given .

    首先根据在优化过程中,速度 更新 公式的不同表现定义了典型情形的概念,并给出了4种典型情形的具体形式。