


  • She was certainly an unwilling victim of circumstances .

    她成为情势的牺牲品绝对不是自己 愿意的。

  • She is tough unwilling to take no for an answer

    她很强硬, 目的 誓不罢休

  • I must admit I am rather unwilling to go to law against him .

    我必须承认我很不 愿意同他打官司。

  • Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs .

    大部分学校都很 愿意为减少开支而裁员。

  • Our readers may not be unwilling to glance back for a brief interval at Uncle tom 's cabin .

    读者诸君或许不会 乐意稍稍花点时间,回头看一看汤姆大伯的那幢木屋吧。

  • Witnesses are unwilling to testify through fear of reprisals .

    由于害怕报复,目击者 不愿作证。

  • A youthful teacher he finds himself an unwilling participant in school politics

    作为一名年轻教师,他发现自己 并不 情愿地参与到了学校的权力争斗中。

  • You cannot compel good work from unwilling students .

    你不能迫使 学习的学生学习好。

  • The country 's leaders are unwilling to take unpopular measures to stop the rot.

    该国领导人 不愿采取不受欢迎的措施来阻止形势恶化。

  • Jane was unwilling to admit she was wrong .

    简不 愿意承认她错了。

  • He was yoked to an unwilling partner .

    他不得不与一位 情愿的伙伴合作。

  • He felt unwilling yet to go to bed but he was sleepy .

    他还 想上床,但是他很困。

  • He was unwilling to make a prediction about which books would sell in the coming year

    他不 愿意预测来年哪些书会有销路。

  • He was very unwilling to part with his money even to buy a house .

    他很 不得把钱花掉,甚至 不得花钱去买一幢房子。

  • I am unwilling to be a stranger 's lover .


  • I have been unwilling to accept this view .

    我一直 不愿接受这一观点。

  • He is a man who is unfit for a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one in his work .

    他这个人在工作上高不成,低 就。

  • The leadership has been unwilling to follow through the implications of these ideas

    领导层 愿意对这些想法的含意进行深入探究。

  • Students are unwilling to really work . They want to be spoon-fed

    学生们 不愿真正去努力。他们希望依赖别人。

  • You do him an injustice if you think he is unwilling to help .

    如果你认为他不 愿意帮忙,那你对他不公平。

  • You may be unwilling to consider all options or unwilling to accept responsibility for your actions .

    你也许不 愿意考虑所有选择或不愿意承担你的行动责任。

  • For months I had been either unwilling or unable to go through with it .

    数月来,我一直不是 愿意就是没办法做这件事。

  • Unable or unwilling to perceive or understand .

    不能或 不愿感知或理解的。

  • They were unwilling or unable to guarantee safe passage from the city to the aircraft

    他们 愿意或者不能够保证从市内到飞机场的安全通行。

  • Unwilling to state facts or opinions simply and directly .

    坦率 愿意简单地、直接地陈述事实和意见的。

  • Initially the government was unwilling to accept the defeat

    最初政府不 愿意承认失败。

  • She became uncooperative : unwilling to do her homework or help with any household chores .

    她变得很不合作: 不愿做作业,也 不愿帮着做家务。

  • Social scientists have grown extremely unwilling to make value judgments about cultures

    社会科学家们已经变得十分 愿意对文化作出价值判断。

  • The management is understood to be very unwilling to agree to this request

    据了解,管理层很 乐意答应这项要求。

  • They were unwilling to keep her any longer out of work .

    ,他们 愿意再留她住了。