utilization of capacity

[ˌjutɪlaɪˈzeʃən ʌv kəˈpæsɪti][ˌju:tɪlaɪˈzeɪʃɵn ɔv kəˈpæsiti]


  • The capacity selected by economic operation for two winding transformer is larger than one selected by utilization rate of transformer capacity .

    论述电网中双绕组变压器按经济运行选取变压器容量比按变压器 容量 利用率来选取 容量要增大。

  • Development and Utilization of Obsolescent Equipments in Contemporary Colleges annual utilization hours of installed capacity

    浅谈新时期高等学校淘汰仪器设备的开发利用装机 容量利用小时数

  • Discussion of Strengthening the Study on the Utilization of Railway Transport Capacity

    应加强铁路运输 能力 利用问题的研究

  • At present the imported industrial chromatograph utilization of capacity is lower in industries of chemical petroleum steel and iron . One of reasons is that operators and scientific and technical workers have no condition to be skilled .

    目前我国化工、石油、钢铁等行业所大量 使用的进口工业色谱仪 开工 不高,操作人员和科技工作者没有条件熟练也是原因之一。

  • Effect of Pile Length diameter and Stiffness on the Utilization of the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Piles

    桩长、桩径及 的刚度对极限 承载 的影响

  • Besides the paper had set up comprehensive value appraisal model to calculate the value of water environmental capacity and had carried on the discussion of utilization of water environmental capacity by payment .

    此外,本文建立了水环境 容量综合效益评价模型,并对水环境容量的有偿 使用进行了探讨。

  • In the railway transportation corridor in order to improve the utilization of the railway transport capacity as well as the market competitiveness of rail transport there is a problem about rational division of labor between High-Speed Railway and the Existing Railway .

    在运输通道中,为提高 能力 利用 ,增强铁路运输的市场竞争力,高速铁路和既有线面临着如何合理分工的问题。

  • A Discussion on Utilization of Global Auto Production Capacity

    全球汽车 产能 利用评述

  • Annual utilization hours of installed capacity

    装机 容量利用小时数

  • Machine relocation cost utilization rate of machine capacity and total number of inter-cell moves are considered and a nonlinear multi-objective mathematical programming model of dynamic cell formation approach is proposed .

    考虑了设备 重置费用、设备 利用率和零部件跨单元移动数目,提出了非线性多目标动态单元构建的数学模型。

  • Enterprise establish data warehouse successfully . It not only can raise the utilization rate of data and capacity utilization of information effectively but also can fully enhance the enterprise innovation and the international competition and can foster the business support level .

    企业成功的建立数据仓库,不仅能有效提高企业数据 利用率和信息利用 能力,而且能全面提高企业创新能力和国际竞争力,推动企业业务支持水平的提高。

  • Virtualization of infrastructure and IaaS enable better utilization of capacity and higher availability .

    基础架构的虚拟化和IaaS支持更高的 容量 利用 和更高的可用性。

  • Capacity Development ( CD ) entails the sustainable creation utilization and retention of that capacity in order to reduce poverty enhance self-reliance and improve people 's lives .

    能力开发需要 能力的可持续的创造, 利用和保持,以便更好地消除贫困,增强自力更生的本领和提高民众的生活水平。

  • Because it can reflect the operation of the economy whether in the state of full utilization of resources or not capacity utilization is also a very important indicator to measure the degree of economic development and the analysis of economic efficiency .

    由于它可以反映经济的运行是否处于资源充分 利用的状态,所以 生产 能力利用率又是衡量经济景气程度以及分析经济运行效率的一个非常重要的指标。

  • Railway container transportation as a important mode of the railway goods transportation the loading scheme of goods of it plays a key role in raising utilization ratio of container bale capacity and load weight and promote the development of the railway container transportation .

    铁路集装箱运输作为铁路货物运输的重要方式,其货物装箱方案的优劣直接关系到铁路集装箱 装箱 利用率和货物运输 效率,对铁路集装箱的发展起着重要的作用。

  • Through the analysis about the importance of the petrol chemical utilization of capacity and the facts which affect the uti-lization of capacity units this discussion offer a way to improve the utilization of capacity based on the practical production condition of ethylene units in SINOPEC Guangzhou Branch .

    本文通过对化工装置 开工 重要性和影响开工率的各因素分析,并根据广石化乙烯装置实际生产情况,提出了提高化工装置开工率的途径。

  • And the treatment method for air-raid shelter should be based on the full utilization of load-bearing capacity of the covered structure .

    应在充分 利用被覆结构现有 承载 的基础上,决定防空洞处理措施。

  • In a long period warehouse has belonged to labor-intensive enterprises in our country which takes up a lot of labor with high labor intensity bad labor conditions low efficiency and utilization of capacity .

    在较长时期里,仓库在我国一直属于劳动密集型企业,不仅占用了大量的劳动力,而且劳动强度大,劳动条件差,劳动效率低下, 库容 利用 不高。

  • In order to raise utilization ratio of container bale capacity and load weight it is necessary to study how to loading goods .

    为了提高铁路集装箱 装箱 利用率,有必要对铁路货物装箱方案的制定方法进行研究。

  • A nonlinear fuzzy 0 1 integer programming model has been developed for the optimal utilization of available capacity resources of rail lines and classification yards in a large scale railroad network from the viewpoint of fuzzy set and system optimization .

    基于模糊整数规划及系统优化的观点研究大型复杂铁路网上线路能力、编组站 能力的协调 利用 问题。为此,建立了该问题的模糊非线性0-1规划模型。

  • The capacity of H2S treatment was enhanced and utilization of capacity and rate of H2S recovery reach to 99 . 7 % and 99 . 09 % separately by the process operation optimization and improvement in the the sulfur unit of the ammonia synthetic plant .

    镇海炼化股份公司化肥厂合成氨装置,通过挖潜改造,工艺上进行优化操作,提高了流 氢废气处理量,使硫磺装置 开工率和回收率分别达到99.7%和99.0%;

  • More on Full Utilization of Multi-Channel Capacity with Priority Protocol

    再论具有优先协议多信道 容量的充分 利用

  • Therefore this paper propose two methods to increase the utilization of user upload capacity .

    本文通过两种方案来增强用户上传 能力 利用

  • Evaluation and Utilization of Mobile Communication Network Capacity

    浅析移动通信网络 容量的评估和 利用

  • Test results showed that utilization of 47 % . capacity restoration of 82 % and capacity loss 17 % due to self-discharge could be reached . respectively .

    试验结要表明 利用率可达47%、 容量恢复为82%、自放电容量损失为17%。

  • The walking beam heating furnace is one kind of the advanced heating furnaces . The features of it are : large scale of productivity high utilization of heating capacity and the uniformity of heating effect .

    步进梁式加热炉是现阶段比较先进的加热炉,其主要特点是规模大,炉内热值 利用 高,板坯加热均匀等。

  • Analysis of the Ineffective Capacity in Utilization of Railway Transport System Capacity

    铁路运输系统 能力 利用中的无效能力分析

  • The effects of dietary fiber digestion and utilization of capacity determined by its structure and function of the digestive system .

    国内研究主要集中在日粮纤维水平、日粮纤维来源方面对其消化和 利用的影响。鹅 日粮纤维的消化和 利用 能力是由其消化系统的结构和功能所决定的。

  • The site-compensation of reactive power is used as an effective measure for the reduction of low-voltage network and internal dissipation . This paper discusses the reactive site-compensation technique for electric motors with utilization of the capacity and the safe protection for the capacity .

    无功功率就地补偿是为了减少低压电网和用户内损耗的有效措施,本文讨论了 利用 电容器对电动机的无功就地补偿技术以及对电容器的安全保护问题。