utility programming

[juˈtɪləti ˈproˌɡræmɪŋ][juˈtiliti ˈprəuɡræmiŋ]

[计] 实用程序设计

  • Moreover we give an utility programming method ( UPM ) for the negotiation with multiple variables .

    此外,对多变量仲裁谈判给出了 效用 规划法。

  • Based on the operation optimization problem of multi-period utility system we establish an optimization model of nonlinear mixed integer programming and prove the existence of optimal solution of this problem with the condition of considering open-stop expenses of equipment .

    针对多周期 公用 工程系统的运行优化问题,考虑了设备的启停费用的情况下,建立了混合整数非线性 规划模型并证明了最优解的存在性。

  • WPL for boiler drum is described in this paper with researches on PC programming . Main part of WPL documents for a utility boiler is programmed . Initial application results show that PC programming is favorable to improve compiling efficiency and document quality .

    叙述以锅筒的WPL为对象,进行了PC编制的探索,并对某 电站锅炉WPL文件的主体部份(DWPL)采用了计算机编制,初步使用结果表明,PC 编制有利于提高编制效率和文件质量。

  • Concurrent : A library that provides standardized efficient versions of utility classes commonly encountered in concurrent Java programming .

    concurrent:这个库提供通常在Java并发 编程中会遇到的 工具类的标准化的、有效率的版本。

  • Through embedding the mean-variance model into the quadratic utility model and then adopting dynamic programming we get an analytical expression for the optimal investment strategy .

    以动态 均值- 方差模型研究基于收益序列相关的投资组合选择。

  • Utility gradient nondominated method in multiobjective convex programming and its application

    多目标凸 规划非劣 效用梯度法及在三峡水库 规划中的应用

  • By studying old ones from theory and practice the paper establishes better method of utility system energy synthesis and optimum design which combines genetic algorithm and mixed integer non-linear programming .

    本文从理论和实际两方面对公用工程系统能量综合和优化设计进行研究,形成了混合整数非线性 规划和遗传算法相结合的更好的 公用 工程系统能量综合和优化设计的方法。

  • The loss-based marginal utility method and linear approximate programming approach are used to solve the loss constraint model .

    损失约束模型应用基于损失边际 效用排序的删除法与线性近似 规划法求解。

  • Introducing satisfaction function instead of utility function the authors obtain two - stage satisfaction programming arbitrating procedure .

    在应用研究中,本文引入了满意函数以替代 效用函数,以此得出了两阶段满意 规划仲裁模型。

  • In the hot spots of robot research field robot off-line programming is the key of utility of robot technology and robot vision calibration is the premiss of off-line programming .

    在机器人技术的各研究热点中,机器人离线编程技术是机器人技术 实用化的关键,而机器人视觉标定又是离线 编程的前提。

  • Secondly suppose that the price processes of the risky stock satisfy Markov-modulated geometric Brownian motion . We get the explicit expressions of the optimal portfolio strategies and the optimal value functions for the exponential utility functions by applying the dynamical programming principle ( HJB equations ) .

    然后,在风险股票价格过程服从马氏调制的几何布朗运动的条件下,应用动态 规划原理(HJB方程)得到了该非零和随机微分投资 博弈问题的显式解。

  • Using exponential smoothing to construct room forecasting model . Using marginal utility Newsboy model and linear programming to construct the models of Revenue Management for allocation of hotel rooms .

    运用指数平滑法建立酒店收益管理客房预测模型,用边际 收益、报童模型和线性 规划方法构筑了酒店客房分配模型,并分析了不同等级客房与顾客多日停留的问题。

  • The paper studies methods of utility system energy synthesis and optimum design by using mathematic programming which is an effective tool .

    本文采用数学 规划这一强有力的工具对 公用 工程系统能量综合和最优设计方法进行研究。

  • This paper establishes the expense separate model of bill of quantity based on maximizing the utility and rationality by using the restriction of nonlinear programming .

    运用约束条件的非线性 规划,建立起一个基于 效用最大化和合理性相结合的 工程量清单费用分摊模型。

  • An improved genetic algorithm ( IGA ) is presented for the optimization of utility system which can be described as the problem of nonlinear programming ( NLP ) .

    针对 蒸汽 动力系统参数优化的 整数非线性 规划问题(NLP)提出一种改进的遗传算法。

  • The research of cloud computing utility security optimized model based on stochastic programming will expand the traditional theories and methods of distributed access control and play a positive promoting role on solving many access control problems of distributed applications .

    基于随机 规划的云计算 效用安全优化模型研究将拓展传统的分布式访问控制理论和方法,对解决众多分布式应用的访问控制问题起到积极的推进作用。

  • Typically every significant piece of software found on a UNIX machine including each command-line utility each system call each callable function of a programming library and each file format includes a complementary man page .

    通常情况下,UNIX系统上的所有软件(包括每个命令行 实用 程序、每个系统调用、 编程库中每个可调用的函数和每种文件格式)都包含一个手册页。

  • The utility model is composed of a time signal circuit a digital clock circuit a time display screen a semiconductor memory a programming circuit and an executing circuit .

    实用 新型由时基信号电路、数字钟电路,时间显示屏,半导体存贮器, 编程电路及执行电路组成。