utility program

[juˈtɪləti ˈproˌɡræm][juˈtiliti ˈprəuɡræm]


  • A utility program that allows any microcomputer program generated to is simulated and debugged on the larger computers or prototype system .

    一种 公用 程序,允许生成的微机程序在大型计算机或样机系统上进行模拟和调试。

  • It is an important means to use components programming in the development of Visual Basic 's utility program . By this means we can use the strong functions that sorts of existing ActiveX components have provided or users .

    部件编程是VB 应用 程序开发中的一个重要方法,欲使用许多现有的或用户自已开发的ActiveX部件所提供的强大功能,都可通过这种方法来实现。

  • Standard file maintenance utility program

    标准文件维护 实用 程序

  • A utility program that organizes the output of a computer .

    组织从计算机输出的 公用 程序

  • The design procedures performance and utility program of the mining adjustable support are introduced .

    介绍了矿井支护 装置的设计方法、性能和 应用 价值

  • The Utility Program of Regressively Processing Experimental Data for Chemical Mechanism

    化工原理实验数据回归处理 实用 程序

  • A convenient way to manage queue managers is to use the MQ Explorer utility program provided with WebSphere MQ .

    一种管理队列管理器的方便方法就是使用WebSphereMQ提供的MQExplorer 实用 程序

  • The Computer Utility program of Calculating Straightness error by the Standard Rotation Method

    基准旋转法求直线度误差的计算机 实用 程序

  • Both economic and substantial design plan system structure main function system program and utility program of the micro computer supervising and detecting system on power plant and transformer substation are introduced in this paper .

    介绍了适用于电厂和变电站微机监测系统的一种简单经济的实用设计方案.重点阐述了系统的主要功能特点以及系统软件和 应用 软件设计。

  • Code Generation Technique and its Application in the Development of Business Utility Program


  • A utility program for printer operation

    操作打印机的 实用 程序

  • OBJECTIVE : To design Army No.1-based utility program for the extension of drug control in the interest of statistic analysis of drug control .

    前言:目的依托“军卫一号”工程,设计扩展药品管理系统 应用 程序,用于药品管理综合统计分析。

  • A program ( as an operating system or compiler or utility program ) that controls some aspect of the operation of a computer .

    控制计算机操作的某一方面的程序(作为操作系统或编译程序或 公用 程序)。

  • Applying visual C + + 6.0 to develop the utility program to trace the real-time curves in outputting experiments and relative curves as well as analyze the performance of sap pressure .

    应用Visualc++6.0开发出 应用 程序,跟踪输出实验中各参数实时曲线,相对关系曲线,分析液压系统的性能。

  • The numerical method is a development from the operating principle of a heavy piston compressor and the utility program is very important to the design and calibration of a free-piston shock tunnel .

    该方法是对自由活塞激波风洞运行理论的发展,形成的计算 软件可直接 应用于自由活塞激波风洞的设计和状态调试。

  • Standard media conversion utility program

    标准媒体转换 实用 程序

  • In this paper an utility program has been worked out for spectrographic analysis based on PB-700 microcomputer and common BASIC language .

    本文 使用 PB-700微型计算机和通用的BASIC语言编制了摄谱法光谱分析数据处理 程序

  • In the paper the computer utility program of calculating straightness error by the standard rotation method is introduced by the designer .

    本文介绍了作者所没计的基准旋转法求直线度误差的计算机 实用 程序

  • A utility program that sorts data items .

    对数据进行分类的 公用 程序

  • The Principle and Application Design of the Utility Program Controlled Voice Playing Circuit Board

    实用 程控语音放音板的电路原理和使用

  • Programming Skills in Utility Program Design of Single-Chip Microcomputer

    单片机 应用 程序设计编程技巧

  • The article explains how to use some utility program of TCP / IP Protocol to troubleshoot in network in order to make sure that network work well .

    讲述了如何在通过TCP/IP技术组建起来的网络下,使用TCP/IP协议族中的 实用 工具进行网络管理及排除故障的方法,以确保网络的正常运行。

  • Structure imposed on a floppy disc by an operating system utility program .

    软碟被电脑操作系统的 应用 程序所造成的结构。

  • System utility program support

    系统 公用 程序的提供

  • The Utility Program for Transitive Closure Method on Fuzzy Clustering Analysis

    模糊聚类分析传递闭包法 实用 程序

  • According to the function the system is divided into three parts which are data warehouse ETT utility program and DQAS .

    根据系统功能,该系统设计成由数据仓库、ETT 实用 程序和DQAS三部分组成。这三部分之间彼此独立又相互联系。

  • This paper presents the technique indexes of magnetic tape and the operating processions of the magnetic tape machine gives a introduces the dd command and its application a utility program and non & UNIX / XENIX system format .

    本文简要叙述磁带的技术指标和磁带机的工作过程,给出了一个磁带 程序的转换 程序,最后介绍UNIX╱XENIX系统格式和非UNIX╱XENIX系统格式之间的文件转换 实用 程序dd命令及其应用。

  • A utility program that exhibits the sequence and results of executing the instructions in another program .

    展示另一程序指令运行顺序和结果的 公用 程序

  • This paper introduces a means of automatically setting coordinate according to the ranges of the measured results . A utility program is provided in the paper .

    本文介绍一种能根据测试结果的数据范围自动设定坐标的方法,并提供了一个 实用 程序

  • Design procedures for utility program generator and dynamic program generator in dBASE management software

    关于DBASE通用管理软件 实用 程序生成器和动态程序生成器的设计方法