abbr.Waveguide Communication System 波导通信系统

  • Because each model in VRML is created in local coordinate system inconvenient to handle them uniformly this paper infers a universal formula to transform model coordinates from UCS to WCS .

    针对各VRML造型在其局部坐标系中创建,采用变换矩阵实现了造型从局部 坐标系下到世界坐标系下的坐标变换。

  • Based on PCR analysis we presumed that the ere gene might be expressed under the control of promoter wcs and it could carry out the deletion of exogenous genes .

    通过PCR分析,推测在 低温 诱导启动子( wcs)控制下,Cre基因可表达并实现外源基因的删除。

  • Efficiently utilizing wood making new materials with the reproducible material and reducing the consuming of irreproducible to protect our environment is the aim of the study on Woodceramics ( WCS ) .

    木陶瓷的研究是在高效利用木材资源,利用可再生资源创生新材料,减少不可再生资源消耗,保护地球环境的 立意 开展的。

  • Research on Veracity of Cross-Media Color Reproduction Based on WCS Color Management

    基于 WCS色彩管理系统跨媒体颜色复制准确性的研究

  • Suppose the three input points in WCS or CCS are p1 p2 and p3 and the chosen common RCS should satisfy the following three requirements : the transformed p1 is on the origin ;

    假设3个输入点在 WCS或者CCS中为p1、p2和p3,那么选择的公共的RCS必须满足三个条件:变换后的p1在原点;

  • WCS occurs whenever a Rotary club in one country assists a Rotary club in another country with its community service project .

    世界社区服务的发生就是当一个扶轮社协助另一个国家的 扶轮社的社区服务计划时。

  • The WCS Making (ⅲ): the Influence of Sintering Temperature and Resin Concentration

    陶瓷的制造(Ⅲ)&烧结温度和树脂质量分数对 陶瓷 制造的影响

  • In this case the WCS FDTD method with stability of weak conditions is studied .

    在这种情况下,研究了具有弱条件稳定性的 WCS-FDTD方法。

  • Because the WC was more expensive we discussed the sparse placement algorithm of WCs . Simulation results indicated that the network blocking rate decreased with WC placement density increasing . 3 .

    由于WC是比较昂贵的 器件,在 每个 节点都配置会 造成网络成本高,因此我们还讨论了稀疏放置 WC的算法,通过仿真结果可知网络阻塞率随WC的放置密度的增加而降低。

  • Objective In order to evaluate the clinical revision of weighted coefficients ( WCs ) of trauma and injury severity score ( TRISS ) a comparison between foreign and domestic WCs was performed .

    目的为了评价国内对 TRISS评分权重系数的修订,对336例创伤患者分别用国外权重和国内权重评定伤情后进行比较。

  • The losses on weight volume and the density of WCS were positive correlative with PF resin and negative with sintering temperature .

    试样 高温烧结后,相对高温烧结 试样 、体积剩余及 陶瓷产品密度与树脂质量分数呈正相关,与烧结温度呈负相关。

  • Multilevel Project Planning Technology based on WCS for Complex Product

    基于 WCS的复杂产品多级计划编制技术

  • The blocking rate of network can be reduced evidently by adding WCs especially for huge capacity multiple nodes ones .

    尤其是对大容量、多节点的 网状 波长 变换 的加入能大大降低网络的阻塞率。

  • Woodceramics ( WCS ) is a new porous carbon material of low cost and excellent properties which is obtained by carbonization of middle density fiberboard impregnated with 40 % PF resin .

    经40%酚醛树脂处理的中密度板样品炭化物简称木陶瓷( WCS),是一种低成本而性能优异的新型多孔炭材料;

  • In the respect of feedrate optimization the feed limits in WCS are deduced based on the kinematics of the machine .

    在进给速度优化方面,根据机床的运动学模型,推导了 工件 坐标 进给 能力限制。

  • With support from WCS Argentina declares a new coastal marine park to protect half a million penguins cormorants oystercatchers and other rare seabirds .

    世界科学大会的支持 ,阿根廷宣布新的沿海海洋公园,以保护50万企鹅,鸬鹚,蛎鹬,和其他罕见的海鸟。

  • Before we reconstruct a3-dimensional ( 3D ) model of a scene from a set of2D images firstly we need to unify the world coordinate system ( WCS ) .

    在一系列二维图像中重建一个场景的三维模型之前,首先需要统一多摄像机的 坐标系。

  • The WCs were coded by the 3D-SPECK efficiently .

    通过采用3DSPECK对 WC进行有效地编码,从而实现视频序列的有效编码。

  • The gastric emptying promoting effects of WCS maybe correlated to the increased contents of motilin and the decrease contents of somatostatin in gastric antrum tissue .

    胃肠 具有 确切 胃动力作用,其促胃动力作用可能与血 胃动素含量增加及胃窦组织中生长抑素含量下降有关。

  • The Making of WCS (ⅱ) & from MDF

    陶瓷 制造(Ⅱ)&中密度纤维板木 陶瓷

  • Recently a joint team brought together World Bank and WCS staff to take a closer look at conservation and protection efforts in the NT2 Watershed .

    最近,由世界银行和 WCS工作人员组成的一个联合小组深入考察了NT2流域保护区内的维护和保护工作。

  • After treatment with As 2O 3 the percent of G 2 / M phase of RCC-WCS cells enhanced 16.6 % from 7.3 % and the percent of apoptosis was 13.7 % .

    As2O3作用后的 RCC WCS细胞,G2/M期细胞从73% 上升 166%,同时出现137%的凋亡

  • Speciality and application of catalytic agent with WCS cold size

    冷浆料 WCS的催化剂特性与应用

  • The row material for WCS is cheap and the cost of manufacturing is acceptable . The new porous carbon material has so many good characteristics that WCS can be used widely in many fields .


  • The remote experiments use the WCS 3 MPU application experimental system as experimental object whose circuit can be reconstructed remotely .

    该系统以 南京 大学 电子 WCS-3微处理器实验系统为远程实验对象,可以远程重构实验电路。

  • WCs have been paid great attention in the basic research of optical communication and used in some experiment networks .

    波长 变换 技术已经成为光通信基础研究的一个热点,并且已应用于一些 全光试验网中。

  • It can also promote the decomposition of carbohydrates and WCS reduce quickly prophase and slowly anaphase .

    添加 生物 制剂还能够促进碳水化合物分解, WCS前期快速降低后期缓慢降低。

  • As a system for verification WCS possesses the functions of dynamic version update and Web-based graphics interactivity between distant hosts besides the basic functions of traditional CAD softwares .

    该系统作为一个验证系统, 具有传统CAD的基本功能外,还具有动态版本升级,基于Web的远程主机间的图形交互功能。