weak candidate

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[法] 无把握取胜的候选人

  • Use one-frame use of the high pass filter adaptive threshold suppression methods such as the background noise and enhance a small target the likelihood detection can eliminate the weak noise neighborhood judgment of a candidate from target points .

    利用单帧内的高通滤波、自适应阈值等方法抑制了背景噪声,增强了小目标,似然检测可以消除 噪声干扰点,邻域判决法提取出 候选目标点。

  • Since its signal is extreme weak it is necessary to use some special techniques where M-ary spread spectrum technique is a very useful candidate .

    由于SOC的信号极其 微弱,信干比很 ,所以必须采用一些特殊技术,其中M元扩频技术就是一种有用的 技术

  • Due to the weak spin-orbital coupling and hyperfine interaction the carriers in organic materials have a relative long spin relaxation time so it is a good candidate for spin injection and transport .

    有机材料具有 较弱的自旋-轨道耦合作用和超精细相互作用,载流子的自旋弛豫时间比较长,因而是理想的实现自旋极化注入 候选材料。

  • Mr Obama was fortunate in his opponent . A weak economy coincided with a weak Republican candidate .

    疲弱的经济遇上 缺乏 竞争力的共和党 候选人奥巴马 应该庆幸他遇到了罗姆尼这位对手。