weak market

[wik ˈmɑrkɪt][wi:k ˈmɑ:kit]


  • Passively response of the information supplier hinder fund to forward its step to the Semi-strong efficient market from the weak market in the aspect of accounting information need .

    由于信息供给方不能积极响应,在会计信息需求方面阻碍了基金有效市场由 式向半强式有效 市场转变的步伐。

  • Since 1995 many problem exist in this field such as inadequate demand 、 weak market and a decline in economic growth etc as shown consumption the rate of consumption have been low and is decline .

    1995年以来,我国经济运行面临着需求不足、 市场 疲软以及经济增长率下降的问题,反映在消费率上则为消费率水平偏低并不断下降。

  • The paper analyses the reasons of the weak market against high demand and points out that the silver market faces three mountains to get over tax system reform function development and market orientation .

    文章分析了需求 ,但 市场的原因后指出,白银市场的发展面临税制改革。功能发育、市场定位三座山要攀。

  • Shares in BYD the Chinese electric carmaker backed by Warren Buffett the billionaire US investor rose by as much as 46 per cent in their mainland Chinese debut in spite of weak market sentiment and months of bad trading news from the company .

    比亚迪(BYD)在中国内地上市首日股价大涨,最高涨幅达到46%,尽管 市场人气 疲软,而且这家得到美国股神沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)支持的中国电动汽车制造商几个月来传出的经营消息不佳。

  • A weak market for autos is chief evidence to the state of trouble in ~ trade .

    汽车 市场 景气是表明零售业情况不佳的主要标志。

  • It also analyses that weak market shortfall in demand for consumption and downward price will disadvantage the stable and successive development of economy and discusses the improving measures from five aspects .

    市场 疲软,消费需求不足,物价下降的后果是不利于经济稳定持续发展,并对治理措施从五个方面作了论述。

  • China has only recently restarted IPOs after a long delay caused by a weak market and a three-year debate over formulation of a new policy freeing listed state enterprises to sell down their non-tradeable shares .

    由于 市场 疲弱,以及就如何制定新政策、允许上市国有公司减持非流通股问题展开了长达三年的讨论,中国的IPO曾搁置了很长时间,直到不久前才重新开始。

  • There are some features for low efficiency in state-owned enterprises : weak market low competitive power of products and low management and service level .

    目前我国国有企业普遍效益低下的主要特征是: 市场 疲软,产品竞争能力差,管理服务水平低。

  • First defined the equivalence martingale measure then used the character of martingale measure under the condition of weak market got a existence and determinable theorem of no arbitrage about an portfolio .

    先定义等价鞅测度,再根据等价鞅测度的相关性质,得到了 市场条件下的投资组合无套利机会的存在性和判别定理。

  • Nokia Corp. the world 's largest maker of mobile phones Tuesday announced a range of new job-cutting measures to reduce costs and adapt to weak market conditions .

    球最大的手机制造商诺基亚(NokiaCorp.)周二宣布了一系列最新裁员举措,意在削减成本,适应当前 低迷 市场环境。

  • Firstly this paper makes an in-depth analysis for the current status of and the problems existing in coal industry in Ningxia ( ciN ) and deems ciN has a weak market competitiveness in coal industry .

    本文首先对宁夏煤炭工业的发展现状和存在的问题进行了深入的剖析,认为目前宁夏煤炭工业的 市场竞争力 偏弱

  • Examing and Analyzing the Volatility and Weak Market Efficiency of Metallic Futures Prices

    期货市场价格波动与 市场 有效性的检验与分析

  • If you want to increase sales in such a weak market you will have to lower your prices .

    如果贵公司想在这 市场 景气 时刻增加销售量的话,就必须降价。

  • The construction slowdown plus the bad weather has made for a weak market .

    建筑的减少和糟糕的天气使得 市场 疲软

  • For many relatively weak market competitiveness of the SMEs and rational use of personnel often have become a big problem in the development of .

    对于众多 市场竞争力相对 较弱的中小企业而言,拥有并合理使用人才常常成为其发展中的一大难题。

  • The market competition becomes more and more intense which enables the product development speed become an extremely important factor . Traditional mechanical products in our country have weak market competition and serious aging because of its long new product development cycle and high costs .

    市场竞争的不断加剧使得产品开发速度日益成为最具挑战性的因素,而我国传统工程机械行业却由于新产品开发周期长,成本高,导致产品严重老化、 缺乏 市场竞争力。

  • The exhibition industry is in weak market stage .

    我国会展业处于 市场阶段。

  • Weak market sentiment is also bad news for the Indian government which is looking to raise billions of dollars by selling stakes in state-owned companies .

    对于印度政府 而言市场人气 低落也是个坏消息,因为印度政府正希望通过出售所持国有企业股权,融资数十亿美元。

  • Last week People 's Insurance Co. ( Group ) of China Ltd. postponed its US $ 4 billion Hong Kong IPO that was planned for July because of weak market conditions according to people familiar with the situation .

    据知情人士透露,中国人民保险集团公司(People'sInsuranceCo.(Group)ofChinaLtd.)上周以 市场环境 低迷为由,推迟了原定7月在香港筹资40亿美元的IPO计划。

  • Moreover given the huge scale of the Chinese property boom which stretches across dozens of cities with more than 1m people a weak market will have an impact on global demand for commodities such as steel iron ore and copper .

    此外,鉴于中国房地产繁荣的庞大规模跨越数十座人口过百万的城市, 市场 疲软将影响到全球对大宗商品的需求,例如钢材、铁矿石和铜。

  • This research conclusion proves to some extent fund-pulled feature and weak market feature of Chinese stock market .

    该结论在一定程度上证明了中国股票市场的资金拉动型特征和 市场性特征。

  • The rapid and healthy development of aerospace industry has been influenced seriously by the difficult situation less economic benefit low whole economic strength and weak market competitiveness .

    航天工业企业经营困难和经济效益差的艰难境地,整体经济实力低和 市场竞争能力 的现状,已影响到航天事业的快速、健康发展。

  • As the small scale of farmers operation low level of products standard high transaction costs weak market risks and natural risks ability there is prominent contradictions between small-scale production and large market .

    由于农户生产经营规模小,生产标准化水平低,产品交易成本高,抵御 市场风险和自然风险的能力 较弱,小规模生产与大市场的矛盾极为突出。

  • It blamed its weaker performance in 2011 on a weak market and the fact that many of its private equity holdings are still at their investment stage .

    中投将其2011年的较弱表现归咎于 市场 低迷,而且其多笔私募股权投资仍处于投资阶段。

  • Facing such kind of weak market we should select compulsory IDS .

    面对这种 市场 类型,我们应选择强制性信息披露制度。

  • However the weak market supervision the internal defects of control and other various reasons makes the financial crime become increasingly rampant .

    但伴随而来的是因金融 市场监管 不力,内部控制疏漏以及其它各种原因所引发的金融犯罪活动也日趋猖獗。

  • However the SMEs are facing with the problems such as small scale and weak market competition .

    但也应当看到,中小企业仍然面临着规模较小、融资难、 增长方式 粗放 市场竞争力不 等问题。

  • In view of the current weak market we would ask you to give us a reduction of 3 % .

    考虑到当前 疲软 市场,我们建议你们降价3%。