



  • During his first three months in office the prime minister had projected the aura of a sober leader concerned solely with improving the common weal .

    而就在他执政的前三个月,布朗 坚定 推行公共 福利 改革显示出了 作为一个冷静领导人的 素质

  • They are ordinary labourers sharing weal and woe with the people .

    他们是和人民 群众 同甘共苦的普通劳动者。

  • They maintain the closest relations with the masses and share their weal and woe .

    他们和群众血肉相连, 休戚与共

  • The great multi-coloured and blood-encrusted weal on my neck .

    我颈部血痂 斑驳的巨大伤痕。

  • The press is a guardian of the public weal .

    报刊是公共 福利的卫护者。

  • We should uphold the principle of long-term coexistence mutual supervision treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe step up our cooperation with the democratic parties and better display the features and advantages of the Chinese socialist system of political parties .

    坚持长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、 荣辱与共的方针,加强同民主党派合作共事,更好地发挥我国社会主义政党制度的特点和优势。

  • A jalopy still can run but only at great peril to life limb and the common weal .

    破旧的车虽能开动,却要危及生命和 公益

  • In front of common opportunities and challenges the compatriots on both sides of the Straits should share weal and woe and support each other .

    面对共同的机遇与挑战,两岸同胞理应 甘苦 ,相互扶持。

  • First China and Africa are good brothers who share weal and woe .

    首先,中非是 同甘共苦的好兄弟。

  • We must build the country through diligence and thrift combat extravagance and waste and encourage hard work and plain living and sharing weal and woe with the masses .

    要勤俭建国,反对铺张浪费,提倡艰苦朴素、 同甘共苦

  • We must share weal and woe .

    我们必须 同甘共苦

  • The Chinese people and other people of the third world are bound up by common interests and share weal and woe .

    中国人民和第三世界国家人民 休戚相关,利害与

  • And what is the harm to the common weal ?

    这对大众 福利有何伤害?

  • For the general public w_1749 weal

    为社会公共w_1755 福利

  • To an eye like mine a lidless watcher of the public weal - Alfred Tennyson .

    一双像我一样的眼睛,公众福祉的警觉的守望者& 阿尔佛雷德·坦尼森

  • Instead when you two cherish lofty ideals and fight for them sharing weal and woe it is where the true love lies .

    相反,当你们两人怀有高尚的理想并且共同奋斗, 患难与共,生死相依,真爱就在此了。

  • Acquaintances are people whom you may see often . But you could never share weal and woe with an acquaintance .

    熟人可能是与你经常见面的人,但是你永远不能与他分享 与乐。

  • He was faithful to me in weal and woe .

    不管 顺境或是在逆境,他一直对我忠诚。

  • We treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe .

    我们肝胆相照、 荣辱与共

  • He was not only polite and amiable but also shared weal and woe with the soldiers .

    他不仅待人和气,还能和士兵 同甘共苦

  • The chairman CaiChengHua represent speech overseas Chinese nation said the body in the country but always feeling brought his homeland the heart and China 's weal and woe are in the same boat .

    大会主席蔡成华代表侨界致辞表示,海外华侨身在他乡,但永远情牵母国,心系故土,与中国 荣辱与共,同舟共济。

  • A man is weal or woe as he thinks himself so .

    一个人 命运 好坏 自己如何想。

  • In our world weal ubiquity if you have a gnosis heart you can experience weal .

    幸福在生活中 无处不在,只要你有一颗感悟幸福的心,就能体会到幸。

  • China will forge ahead and share weal and woe with other Asian countries in a joint effort to open up new vistas for Asia 's development .

    中国将永远与亚洲各国一 ,荣辱 相依休戚与共,共同开创亚洲发展新未来!

  • Our two peoples are brothers sharing weal and woe .

    我们两国人民是 患难与共的兄弟。

  • Welfare is country or unit of choose and employ persons wait for public weal establishment through holding culture education sanitation improve a system of standard of living of laborer material culture ceaselessly .

    生活福利是国家或用人单位通过举办文化、教育、卫生等公共 福利设施,不断提高劳动者物质文化生活水平的一项制度。

  • They lived in weal and woe .

    他们 同甘 患难