


  • The tramp was so frightened at the idea of sleeping in a haunted house that he was like a waxwork .

    这个流浪汉想起 自己是睡在一座鬼魂出没的屋子里,吓得 脸色 苍白

  • Artist Er Bao Rui Who Scored A New Page In The Area Of World Wax Work The Cause on Experiment Deflection of Asphalt Waxwork Content and Experiment Improvement

    金色 阳光为谁而 灿烂 &谱写世界蜡像艺术新篇章的艺术家 尔宝瑞沥青含蜡量试验( 蒸馏 误差原因及改进

  • Souvenir cups show the waxwork likeness of President Obama at Madame Tussauds in Shanghai .

    上海杜莎夫人 蜡像出售的纪念水壶上 上了奥巴马的照片。

  • Waxwork depicting Shanghai whorehouse in late19th century Shanghai History Museum basement of Oriental Pearl Tower .

    上海东方明珠塔底层历史陈列馆 蜡像 妓女清朝 末年的上海。

  • At the sight of the waxwork they dissolved into sobs .

    看到 蜡像的一霎那,她们 便 难以 抑制地抽泣起来。

  • When Justin Bieber 's waxwork was unveiled at Madame Tussauds in London today fans were left stunned by just how unrealistic the model was .

    JustinBieber的 蜡像在杜莎夫人蜡像馆露面后,粉丝们都惊呆了:这蜡像忒 现实啊!