


  • This one for waxing and this for polishing . oh no I think it 's the other way round .

    那个用于 打蜡,这个用来抛光。哦,不对,我看正好说反了。

  • At least this time I caught it before the waxing .

    还好这次在 脱毛之前我及时赶到。

  • In this version the Wolfman is a pretty decent guy until he visits a hair waxing salon .

    在这个版本中,狼人是一位相当体面的男士,但自从进入 除毛沙龙后就变了。

  • The motive of Qi transformation is the waxing and waning movement of Yin and Yang within the organism .

    气化运动的 本质就是机体内部阴阳 消长转化的矛盾运动。

  • I started waxing the floor .

    我开始 地板 打蜡

  • Monica and Phoebe try out a painless leg waxing kit .

    莫妮卡和菲比试用“无痛”去 腿毛

  • They knew the waxing moon appeared larger and higher overhead after each succeeding sunset .

    他们明白, 日出后天空中的 娥眉月显得更大更高。

  • On the far right above the horizon is our Moon in a waxing crescent phase .

    在远处,位于地平线上方是我们的月球,正处于 的新月相位中。

  • Effects of waxing on biochemical characters in sweet orange

    对甜橙 果实生化特性的影响

  • Did you catch him waxing his board ?

    你看他是不是在 地板 打蜡呢?

  • Was always waxing lyrical about his wee home in the glen .

    总是在那 幽谷中的小家周围点烛思乡。

  • The most traditional way of hair removal is waxing it is messy and vigorously painful ; trust me on this guys .

    最传统的方式是 上蜡 脱毛痛苦是大力狼籍;我相信这个家伙。

  • The final stage of waxing left it with a satin sheen .

    最后上 后,它 看起来犹如缎子般光滑亮泽。

  • Waxing a car after washing will rejuvenate the appearance of the car .

    清洗车身后在 漆面打蜡将使汽车的外观焕然一新。

  • What time do we start waxing our boards ?

    我们什么时候 冲浪上蜡

  • Lubricating or waxing the yarn to reduce friction .

    通过给纱线润滑或 上蜡来降低摩擦。

  • Something of daylight still lightered and the moon was waxing bright : I could see him plainly .

    还有一点儿日光残留着,月亮正在渐渐变亮,我可以清清 楚楚地看见他。

  • Rather than waxing on about the theory we look at specific situations .

    我们关注的是具体情况,而不是 钻研理论。

  • Any surface irregularities you do feel are bonded contaminants that must be removed before polishing or waxing .

    任何表面上不规则的东西你都会觉得是污染物,它必须在抛光和 打蜡之前去除。

  • A group of surfers waxing their boards .

    冲浪板 上蜡的一群冲浪运动员。

  • During the produce of the sweater the winding tension and waxing will have a remarkable effect on fabric quality .

    在毛衫生产中,络纱张力和 上蜡工艺对纱线 准备的影响 尤其显著。

  • The specimen below is the result of sawing and multiple treatments with HF acid and waxing .

    上边 石块是含有 石英原石。下边的标本是经过酸和 处理 的标本。

  • Waxing is problematic for removing underarm hair and thus should be avoided in this area .


  • Professional detailers use polishers and buffers to speed the task of polishing and waxing .

    专业人士使用抛光机和缓冲机器加快抛光和 上蜡的速度。

  • It doesn 't hurt at all when she 's waxing you .

    当她在 头发 上蜡的时候一点都不疼。

  • It contains De waxing agent penetration agent and anti corrosion agent .

    独特的 剂、渗透剂、 溶剂、防腐剂等多 制成

  • Waxing followed to arrive by the dot face from the shallower to the deeper deeper principles .
