weighted mean

[ˈwetɪd min][ˈweitid mi:n]


  • This article introduces the weighted mean method to carry on theisohyet line .

    本文还引入距离 加权 平均法入行降雨等值线的绘制。

  • Description approach of performance index using cloud theory and weighted mean method for multi-sensor

    云理论和多传感器 加权 平均的性能指标描述

  • The two - parameters weighted mean in defined and an inequality for two - parameters weighted mean of convex function is prove they have generalized and improved the results in literatures .

    提出了函数的双参数 加权 平均的定义,证明了一个凸函数的双参数加权平均不等式,加强和推广了有关文献中的结果。

  • Analysis and Application of Weighted Mean Temperature Difference for Condenser

    冷凝器 加权 平均温差原理分析及应用

  • Through proper transformation the values influenced by factors in quotient index product sum index and weighted mean index can also be determined by means of the matrix method and the factor analysis method of statistical index is thus unified and simplified to a certain extent .

    通过适当的变换,商指标、积和指标以及 加权 平均指标的因素影响值也都能用矩阵方法求解,从而使统计指标的因素分析方法在一定程度上得到了统一与简化。

  • Within this algorithm the local weighted mean value filtering is performed to obtain basic value of image enhancement ;

    该算法通过对图像做局部 加权 均值滤波,得到图像增强的基值 分量

  • On the basis of image noise detecting the adaptive median filtering and adaptive weighted mean filtering algorithms are adopted to filter the pulse and Gaussian noise in pavement distress image respectively .

    在图像噪声检测的基础上,对路面破损图像脉冲噪声和高斯噪声,采用了自适应中值滤波和自适应 加权 均值滤波算法进行图像滤波。

  • In such a scheme there are4 predictions for each pixel which are summed up to a weighted mean .

    基于此方案,每个像素的4个预测值求和后得到一个 加权 平均

  • Aiming at the partial invalidity problem which exists in fuzzy comprehensive evaluations this paper proposes a new relative membership grade weighted mean method .

    针对模糊综合评判方法存在部分失效的问题,提出一种相对隶属度 加权 平均法。

  • The weighted mean difference ( WMD ) for HbA1c levels was – 0.08 favoring long-acting over intermediate-acting preparations .

    HbA1c的 加权 平均差(WMD)是-0.08,这个数据支持长效胰岛素优于中效胰岛素。

  • Based on experiment and the problems of calculation and composition of damage effect about artillery weapon performance this paper puts forward the exponent model and weighted mean model .

    根据试验结果和武器性能对毁伤效能的计算和排序问题,给出了计算炮兵武器毁伤效能的指数法模型和 加权 平均模型;

  • Study on Weighted Mean Filtering Algorithm Based on the Images with Salt and Pepper Noise

    基于椒盐噪声图像的 加权 均值滤波算法研究

  • Then a new definition of fractal dimension-extreme value weighted mean fractal dimension is given and with it the feature matrix is extracted .

    提出了一种基于极值 加权 平均分数维特征提取的虹膜识别方法。

  • In this paper by using the relevant data of Zhejiang Province in 2005 we introduce the Weighted Mean Method Principal Component Analysis Factor Analysis and Clustering Analysis to evaluate and rank the synthetic economic power of the 11 main cities of Zhejiang Province .

    利用浙江省2005年有关统计数据,分别采用 加权 平均法、主成分分析法、因子分析法和聚类分析法对浙江省11个中心城市的综合经济实力进行了综合评价和排位。

  • A new efficient fuzzy weighted mean filter approach to the restoration of images corrupted by mixed noise was proposed .

    针对图像混合噪声提出了一种新型的模糊 加权 均值滤波算法。

  • Then we calculated the potential average weight of the adult fish for all species through weighted mean method by the percentage of every species in the total individual and their mean weight .

    在长成推算法中,工程影响海域成体的平均体质量应通过不同物种各自尾数的比例和成体平均尾重 加权 平均求得。

  • In this paper a kind of weighted mean method is developed to synthesize the experts'opinions in seismic risk analysis .

    本文发展了一种 加权 平均方法,用于综合考虑地震危险性分析中的专家意见。

  • According to the characteristics of mixed data signals this paper proposes a new fuzzy smoothing method which uses weighted mean idea to share the neighboring samples'data value .

    本文针对混合数据信号的特征,提出一种新的模糊平滑法,沿用 加权 平均的思想,对信号相邻的点之间进行加权运算。

  • The weighted mean method and maximum likelihood method are analyzed and compared with each other . The conclusion skows both methods are suited for processing data of impulse discharge voltage .

    加权 平均法和最大似然法进行了分析和比较,认为这两种方法均适用于冲击放电电压的数据处理。

  • The method utilizes correlation between the subbands and within the subbands fully the classified information need a little bites to express and vector quantization adopt weighted mean square error rule that using mankind visual characteristic to improve quantization gain .

    该方法充分利用了子带系数的带间和带内的相关性,分类信息占用比特数少,并采用了基于人眼视觉特性的 加权 方误差准则进行矢量量化,提高了量化增益。

  • And the problem of unequal precision data and uncertainty degree evaluation is solved by the method through weighted mean .

    介绍了在牛顿环实验的数据处理过程中,对等 精度和不等精度的测量进行 确定度的计算方法。

  • In this case the simple weighted mean method can be used .

    这时,可以利用简便的 加权 平均法。

  • The weighted mean of heritability and standard error was ( 61.70 ± 5.10 ) % .

    广泛性焦虑 加权 平均遗传率和标准误为(61.70±5.10)%;

  • Finally the comparison of weighted mean filtering and other improved algorithms proves the effectiveness of the algorithm .

    最后,通过与 中值滤波和其他一些改进算法的滤波效果比较,证明了该算法的有效性。

  • Weighted mean value ( statistics ) exceeding the normal or average .

    加权 平均 计数 平均值(统计学)超过常规或平均值的。

  • A new method called weighted mean is adopted to deal with the data .

    将得到的数值分布采用 加权 平均法,得到一个新的分布。

  • Therefore in the article the algorithm is proposed by adaptive weighted mean filtering .

    因此,本文提出了自适应 加权 均值滤波算法。

  • Pool and glide have the high values of area weighted mean patch fractal dimension which shows that the edge is more complex .

    深潭与 浅濑具较高的 平均嵌块体分维数,表具有较复杂的边缘。

  • The weighted mean of the random variable is the expected value .

    随机变量的 加权 平均 是期望值。

  • A traffic anomaly detection algorithm based on steady model is proposed . Both weighted mean value and variance statistics method are used to build and update the steady model . Furthermore ROC curve method is used to assess performance .

    提出了一种基于稳态模型的流异常检测算法, 采用 加权 均值和方差计算相结合的统计学方法对网络流量稳态模型进行建模和更新,并使用ROC曲线进行异常检测模型的性能评估。