weighted superposition

[ˈwetɪd ˌsjupəpəˈzɪʃən][ˈweitid ˌsju:pəpəˈziʃən]


  • Two generating methods of compensation current are also proposed for the purpose of eliminating detuning or limiting harmonic voltage contents in which the compensation current is the weighted superposition of filter harmonic currents or voltages and the regulating factor .

    针对消除失谐或限制谐波电压含量的不同控制目标,提出了谐波磁通补偿电流的两种生成方法,补偿电流分别是滤波器电流或母线电压中各次谐波分量与调节系数的 加权 合成

  • Analysis on Wind-Induced Dynamic Response of Transmission Tower-Line System Based on Weighted Amplitude Wave Superposition

    基于谐波 合成 的输电塔线体系 风致响应分析