weld rotation

[wɛld roˈteʃən][weld rəʊˈteɪʃən]


  • According to the model of the welding position giving a weld seam point the weld orientation then can be resolved from the weld rotation angle and the weld slope angle .

    根据焊缝位置的数学模型,得到了描述焊缝焊接位置的参数& 焊缝 转角和焊缝倾角与焊缝姿态的 关系

  • Welding pose includes weld position and torch orientation which is represented by weld slope weld rotation torch work angle and traveling angle .

    焊接位姿包括焊缝位置和焊枪姿态,可以用焊缝倾角、 焊缝 转角、焊枪工作角和焊枪行走角四个参数来表征。