



  • And remember we want him alive .

    记住,我们 他活着。

  • Children should be wanted and planned

    应当 好好照看孩子,并为他们规划一生。

  • Do you want to tell me what all this is about ?

    你不 打算告诉我这一切都是怎么回事吗?

  • Come on darling . I want you .

    亲爱的,过来。我 想要你。

  • Mary says you 're welcome to stay the night if you want

    玛丽说如果你 愿意,可以在这儿呆一宿。

  • Do you want to leave your bike here ?


  • If you have a problem with that I want you to tell me right now

    如果你有异议,我 你马上告诉我。

  • ' What do you want ! ' she whispered savagely . ' Get out . '

    “你 干什么!”她粗野地低语道,“滚开。”

  • I want to say how really delighted I am that you 're having a baby


  • Do you want another cup of coffee ?


  • Ian knows exactly what he wants in life

    伊恩很清楚他 需要什么样的生活。

  • She couldn 't lift a spoon without a servant anticipating her wants and getting it for her

    要是没有仆人事 她所 并为她准备妥当,她连汤匙也举不起来。

  • Look I wanted to apologize for today . I think I was a little hard on you .

    听我说,我 就今天的事向你道歉。我觉得我对你有点过于苛刻了。

  • He wanted his power recognised


  • I want my car this colour


  • You want to be very careful not to have a man like Crevecoeur for an enemy

    你应当格外小心,别与 克雷弗克这样的人为敌。

  • I want my money back !


  • The men were daily becoming weaker from want of rest .

    由于 缺乏休息,这些男人日渐虚弱。

  • They began to want their father to be the same as other daddies

    他们开始 希望他们的父亲能和别人的老爸一样。

  • They were wanted by the police

    他们被警方 通缉

  • The windows wanted cleaning


  • He has killed many in his time and is wanted in at least three countries

    他那个时候杀了很多人,现在至少有3个国家在 通缉他。

  • Her hair wants cutting .


  • I want an explanation from you Jeremy

    杰里米,我 需要你解释一下。

  • Many of them had gone into teaching for want of anything better to do

    因为 没有更好的工作,他们当中很多人做了教师。

  • Albie wants you in his office

    阿尔比 你去他办公室。

  • ' I don 't want to appear big-headed ' explains Loubet ' but I would say there is a 95 % chance of success . '

    “我并不 显得自大,”劳伯特解释说,“但我有95%的成功把握。”

  • You want to look where you 're going mate .

    伙计,你应当看看你 去哪里。

  • People wanted to know who this talented designer was

    人们 知道这位天才设计师是谁。

  • They didn 't want people staring at them as they sat on the lawn so they put up high walls

    他们不 希望坐在草坪上时被别人盯着看,于是便筑起了高墙。