want of age

[wɑnt ʌv edʒ][wɔnt ɔv eidʒ]

[法] 不够年龄

  • You might want to consider the various consolidation loan student availabilities that you can take advantaged of in this day and age .

    你也许 考虑的各种综合贷款学生有效性,你可以把钱花在这一天和 年龄

  • I want to tell them that it is amazing what we can do when we put our minds to something regardless of age .

    告诉他们,当我们全身心地去做某件事时就能够取得意想不到的成就,不论 年龄长幼。

  • I want to integrate my sexuality with all the other weaves of my self : burn any architectural plans that mount my gayness above my race ethnicity and age .

    把性与编织我人生的其它因素紧紧地结合在一起:我要焚烧阻碍我的条条框框,使同性恋凌驾于种族、家族、和 年龄之上。

  • She knew her mom will have a baby soon she want her mom could have more energy to take care of the new baby and Apple so she chose to leave at the youth age .

    她知道她的妈妈很快会有一个宝宝,她 希望她妈妈可以有更多的精力来照顾新生宝宝已经Apple,所以她选择了在年轻的 时候离开。

  • If we want to complete the account of Greek literature we must mention the two great historians of the Golden age .

    想要完成希腊文学的账目,我们就必须提及 黄金时代两位伟大的历史学家。

  • In addition you may want to read the three Tales of the Fifth Age anthologies which are very much like the original Tales series .

    另外,三部《第五 纪年传说》 选集可能也投一些人所好,实际上与原本的《传说》系列颇多相象的地方。

  • Suppose you want to change the type of a field in an existing class for example by changing Person 's age from an integer type to a short type ?

    假设 更改已有类中一个字段的类型,例如将Person的 age从整型改为短整型。

  • Therefore no special circumstances I will be forever in the body you want a state of the age such as20-year-old .

    我们 只要保持住“脑垂体”、“大脑海马”和它们附近的肌群 年轻,没有特殊情况下我们就会获得永生!

  • If you really want to have a good test of the readability of your website 's theme consider having someone over the age of60 look at it .

    如果你真的 想要好好地测试一下你的站点的主题的可读性,考虑一下让一个超过六十 的人来访问一下你的站点。

  • But Bettina Forbes co-founder of an organization called Best for Babes that promotes breastfeeding and supports women who want to nurse their children beyond babyhood said she hopes the cover will make mainstream America less squeamish about women breastfeeding children of any age .

    但贝蒂娜-福布斯说,她希望这期封面会让主流的美国大众对母亲给多大的孩子母乳 喂养 不要太神经质。

  • The 3rd want appropriate to solve the problem of worker age structure with overall this locality .

    第三, 妥善解决本地总体 职工 年龄结构问题。

  • FAMILY PLANNING services want to meet the needs of child-bearing age people-oriented improve service capability and level of contraceptives for family planning services must be customer-oriented research .

    计划生育药具服务 想要满足 育龄群众的需求,以人为本,提高服务的能力和水平,就必须对计划生育药具服务进行顾客导向研究。

  • I somehow if I want to walk through some sequence of data structures gathering up or doing the same thing adding ages in until I get a total age and then divide by the number faculty .

    ,以某种方法,来遍历,一些数据结构,把它们相同的属性加到一起,就是一直的把年龄加到一起一直到,得到了一个 年龄总数,然后除以员工的数目。