


  • Airplanes have transformed warfare .

    飞机改变了 战争的性质。

  • In modern warfare mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important than weight of numbers .

    在现代 战争中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。

  • The signal is clear : the cyber warfare is no science fiction anymore .

    演习发出了一个明显的信号:网络 不再是科幻小说了。

  • This would further enhance the PLA 's capabilities in UAV and anti-radiation warfare .

    这会更进一步提高PLA的UAV和反辐射 能力。

  • It 's more like guerrilla warfare .


  • Reconnaissance troops seem increasingly important in local warfare .

    侦察兵在局部 战争中显得越来越重要。

  • This is the strategic task of guerrilla warfare .

    这就是游击 战争的战略任务。

  • Of course guerrilla warfare includes not only the strategic but also the tactical defensive .

    当然,游击 战争 不但战略上有防御,战术上也是有防御的;

  • ( of power and warfare and weaponry ) not nuclear .

    (指能量、 战争和武器)不是核子的。

  • The task force emphasized the danger of armed rebellion and guerrilla warfare in the Carribbean and Andean countries .

    工作小组强调了加勒比海国家和安第斯山脉国家进行武装叛乱和游击 战争的危险。

  • At times party rivalries have broken out into open warfare .

    政党间的矛盾有时爆发为公开的 冲突

  • He solved a series of problems regarding how to carry out guerrilla warfare in the enemy 's rear .

    他解决了一系列关于如何在敌后开展游击 的问题。

  • In saying this we also have in mind the strategic task of developing guerrilla warfare into mobile warfare .

    这样说,是包括了游击 向运动战发展这一个战略任务在内的。

  • A guerrilla warfare was carried on successfully by their organization .

    他们的组织胜利地进行了游击 战争

  • Most of these changes were accompanied by warfare and bloodshed .

    这些变化的发生大多伴随着 战争和流血。

  • In the old society owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads the labouring people led a vagrant life .

    在旧社会,残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀 混战,使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。

  • He addressed the audience on the subject of atomic warfare .

    他向听众讲了有关核 战争问题。

  • Militarily speaking our warfare consists of the alternate use of the defensive and the offensive .

    在军事上说来,我们的 战争是防御和进攻的交替的应用。

  • Much of the violence is related to drugs and gang warfare

    大多数暴力事件都与吸毒和 群殴有关

  • This is a recipe for disaster in future urban warfare .

    这是对未来城市 战争灾难的一个处方。

  • Metal-wheeled chariots are the prototype of the tanks of modern warfare .

    金属轮战车是现代 战争中坦克的原型。

  • The first was the change from guerrilla warfare to regular warfare in the civil war .

    第一个,国内游击 战争和国内正规战争之间的转变。

  • Diplomacy becomes trench warfare .


  • This is very obviously a psychological warfare .


  • Moscow has mastered the art of hybrid warfare including information and psychological pressure .

    莫斯科掌握了混合 战争的艺术,包括运用信息和心理压力。

  • These clashes could develop into open warfare

    这些冲突可能会发展成为公开的 战争

  • He dismissed guerrilla warfare as ' adventurism . '

    他对游击 嗤之以鼻,认为那是一种“冒险主义”。

  • The factors which affect the operational effectiveness of missile weapon system in information warfare are analyzed .

    分析了信息化 作战 条件下影响导弹武器系统作战效能的因素。

  • The most valuable weapon in this sort of asymmetrical warfare is intelligence .

    在这类不对等 战争中,最有价值的武器便是情报。