


  • When I reached the car I peered warily into one of the side windows .

    等到了 车边上,我 小心 从侧玻璃看进去。

  • So I spun the tales of fabled godmother but I spun them more warily avoiding all mention of husbands or antecedents .

    因此我编织着预言中教母的传说,而且 小心翼翼 讲述 ,避免提及其丈夫或其他前辈。

  • There are three reasons for treading warily in such matters .

    这种事情 需要 谨慎行事有3个原因。

  • The unicorn followed them moving so warily that not even the horses knew she was near .

    独角兽尾随着他们,她 小心翼翼 跟着,甚至连马儿们都没发现她在近旁。

  • The little cat sported with its tail . He shaved warily over his chin .

    小猫玩自己的尾巴。他 小心翼翼 刮着下巴。

  • Cal eyed his sister warily .

    加尔 警惕 看着他妹妹。

  • Yossarian eyed everyone he saw warily when he returned to the squadron from the hospital .

    尤索林从医院回到中队以后,不管见到谁都 留心 端详一番。

  • Oh alcohol is always welcome at Christmas but tread warily if your teacher is American .

    哦,圣诞节的时候送酒总是受欢迎的,不过如果你的老师是美国人,可 慎重 行事

  • Modestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures .

    谨慎的或者 小心的拒绝接近或者拒绝建议。

  • A few metres away a dozen uniformed and plain-clothed police eye them warily .

    就在几米外,10多名制服及便衣警察 警惕 注视 他们。

  • He shaved warily over his chin . Go on try it ! You 're too cautious by half .

    小心翼翼 刮着下巴。快点,试一下!你太小心翼翼了。

  • He shaved warily over his chin .

    小心翼翼 刮着下巴。

  • The two children stood behind their mothers eyeing each other warily .

    那两个小孩站在各自母亲背后, 警惕 相互看着。

  • Those who accept bribes should do so warily .

    接受这些“贿赂”的人应该保持 警惕

  • The school counselor forced to deal with me pulled her headscarf forward and glanced warily at the videotape on her desk .

    辅导员被迫向前扯下她的头巾来对付我,且 谨慎 扫视了她桌上的录像带。

  • Cancer charities have reacted warily to the research findings .

    癌症慈善机构 回应这项研究发现。

  • I looked warily at my neighbor who seemed entirely at home .


  • But the Christians would not be human if they did not regard Hamas rather warily .

    但是,如果基督徒对待哈马斯不 谨慎 点儿,他们就不能被人道 对待了。

  • Like the Vivienne they 're simply beautiful pieces that use a well-known mark in a new way . But I still tread warily in logo land and I don 't think I 'm alone .

    Vivienne手袋一样,它们只是以一种新方式运用一个知名品牌的精美单品。不过,在标识这一领域我还是 非常 谨慎,而且我觉得我不是唯一这么做的人。

  • It would be wise to tread warily .

    谨慎 行事将是明智的做法。

  • We will need to tread warily through the minefield of departmental politics .

    我们将有必要 小心翼翼 各部门各自为政的危险雷区。

  • The wolves warily approached the camp fire looking for food .

    狼群 小心翼翼 靠近营火,寻觅食物。

  • Tiptoeing down the hallway she eyed the front door warily .

    她踮着脚尖沿着过道走过去, 同时 警惕 看着大门。

  • But you do need to tread warily .

    但你需要 小心 行事

  • They were heading warily to a point in the enemy line .

    他们正 小心翼翼 向着敌人 封锁线的某一处前进。

  • They spoke softly and glanced warily around alleyway corners to make sure no one was eavesdropping .

    他们说话声音很轻, 警惕 扫视着小巷周围的角落以确保没人偷听。

  • We will judge warily said Bellingham and look well what we are about to do .

    我们会做出 慎重的判断的,贝灵汉说,而且也会认真 考虑我们即将果取的措施的。

  • They approached the stranger warily .

    他们 小心翼翼 和那个陌生人接触。

  • Though many of these vulgar outlaws were eventually warily embraced by the mainstream to one degree or another it wasn 't until long after their deaths that society assimilated them still warily and sometimes not at all .

    尽管这些粗俗之徒中有很多人最终都在一定程度上被主流文化 小心翼翼 接受了,但直到他们离世后很久,社会才对其进行吸收,依然是小心翼翼,有时甚至根本就没吸收。

  • Such moves technically comply with the code of conduct but the EU is watching them warily .

    此番举动在法律上的确符合行动守则的规定,但欧盟仍将 明察秋毫