
[ˈwɔrmˈhɑrtɪd][wɔ:m 'hɑ:tɪd]


  • You are such a warm-hearted student .

    你是一个 热心的学生。

  • LESLIE is melancholic strong-willed and warm-hearted .

    LESLIE拥有忧郁、固执和 心肠 个性

  • I am waiting for one who is really warm-hearted ?

    那么我是个多么虚伪的人,我又是个 多么 自私

  • Speaking of me I am a very kind warm-hearted and sunny boy I have confidence in everything involves getting you .

    在谈到我,我是一个非常友好, 热情,和阳光的男孩,我有信心,一切涉及到让你。

  • A warm-hearted came and saw his embarrassment then he put a quarter into his hands .

    一个 好心 走过来,看出了他的尴尬,于是把两毛五的硬币塞进了他手里。

  • Be happy sunny perseverant warm-hearted they have nothing to do with your character .

    要快乐,要 开朗,要坚韧,要温暖。这和性格无关。

  • I knew that warm voice belonged to a warm-hearted man .

    我知道这亲切的声音,是一个 热心人。

  • Then he got a free ride from a warm-hearted Mexican .

    于是,他搭了一位 好心的墨西哥人的顺风车。

  • I 'll give you a good mind and a warm-hearted .

    我要给你个好灵魂,一 心肠

  • When I was young I was really warm-hearted and put myself out for others .

    我当年轻的时候,真 叫作 热心 肠儿,拿别人的事当自己的作。

  • I am a nice and warm-hearted person .

    我是一位非常善良 本分的人。

  • A.He is a warm-hearted man so we all like him .

    他是一个 热心的人,所以我们都很喜欢他。

  • What a warm-hearted man he was !

    他是 何等 热情的人啊!

  • The people had come to love him as an inspiring leader and a wise warm-hearted honest man .

    人民已把他作为一位具有感召力的领袖,聪明, 热情,诚实的人而爱戴他。

  • He is modest considerate warm-hearted & he is a good man .

    他谦逊、体谅别人、 热心 &是一个不错的人。

  • His warm-hearted manner did not deceive us for long .

    他那 热忱的样子并没把我们欺骗多久。

  • Mr Green is a warm-hearted man and he often the people in trouble .

    格林先生是一个 热心的人,他经常帮助那些有困难的人。

  • A warm-hearted man came up to see what 's wrong with us .

    一个 热心的男人上前来看我们出了什么事情。

  • He is considered to be a warm-hearted man .

    人们认为他是一个 心肠的人。

  • You are so warm-hearted ! But don 't you feel me ugly ?

    你们真是太 了!可是,你们不觉得我很丑吗?

  • We are warm-hearted students . We like helping others .

    我们是 热心的学生。我们喜欢帮助别人。

  • Will I hurt these warm-hearted patient prayerful and kind people ?

    会不会伤害了这些 热心、耐心、虔诚、善良的人们呢?

  • She is warm-hearted and kind to everyone and everything

    她对每个人每件事都 热心、宽厚。

  • I think the little girl was though very young a very warm-hearted person .

    我觉得这个小女孩虽然年轻,但是一个很 心肠的人。