


  • The study is helpful to lethality design and target vulnerability for conventional warhead .

    该研究工作可为 战斗 威力设计和目标易损性评估研究提供帮助。

  • Obviously the detonation of a nuclear warhead is a high-amplitude event .

    很明显, 核弹 的引爆是一个高烈度事件。

  • Using this technology in shaped charge warhead will greatly improve the penetration power .

    该项技术在各种破甲 战斗 推广应用,可大幅提高破甲威力。

  • The intelligence apparently helped their scientists build a miniaturized nuclear warhead .

    情报人员显然地帮助了他们的科学家发展小型 核弹

  • The time calculation method can make time setting of the fuze in penetrating warhead reasonable .

    侵彻时间的计算可为合理地装定侵彻 战斗 引信的延期时间提供 定量 参考

  • The warhead attitude control system is one of the important parts of warhead control system for ballistic missiles but it is difficult to optimize the system in design because of its nonlinearity .


  • The engineering calculation method for the lethal probability of the blast-fragmentation warhead exploding in the air was introduced .

    分析了破片场空间分布规律,介绍了一种 空爆战斗 杀伤概率的工程计算方法。

  • It is the first Chinese solid-propellant tactical ballistic missile designed to carry conventional warhead .

    它是中国第一种固体推进剂战术弹道导弹,设计去携带常规 弹头

  • Using orthogonal optimizing design and numerical simulation methods EFP warhead with hemispherical liner is optimized .

    该文采用正交优化设计方法,利用数值模拟手段,对球缺型EFP 战斗 优化设计进行研究。

  • Explosive power of a bomb or warhead carried in an aircraft or a missile

    (飞行器或导弹所携的炸弹或 弹头的)炸药量

  • The payload of a ballistic missile is its warhead .

    一枚弹道导弹的有效载荷是它的 弹头

  • Its motor and warhead were of modest dimensions a fact which caused to a decrease in performance .

    它的发动机和 弹头是尺寸不大,一个事实是导致性能方面降低。

  • A rocket-propelled vehicle carrying passengers or instruments or a warhead .

    用火箭推动的可以载人或者装载仪器或 弹头的交通工具。

  • Future advances may provide the compactness needed to weaponize the capability in a bomb or missile warhead .

    未来的科技进展可能提供装入炸弹或导弹 战斗 内且具有武器功能的小型电磁脉冲装置。

  • Referring to the problem of true-fake warhead recognition in missile early warning satellite system a new algorithm of warhead target recognition for decision-making system is established .

    针对导弹预警卫星系统中的真假 弹头识别问题,提出了一种在决策系统中对弹头目标识别的新算法。

  • Scientists will soon be able to observe the first instants after a nuclear warhead detonates .

    科学家不久将能观察到 核弹 爆炸的第一瞬间。

  • We suspect the warhead was stolen from your lab.

    我们怀疑 弹头被从您的实验室窃取了。

  • Other warhead types under development include mine-laying electromagnetic shockwave and low-yield nuclear deep-penetration .

    在发展下的其它 弹头类型包括布雷、电磁脉冲和低当量核深-侵砌。

  • Nuclear warhead has stronger obduracy which induces more effect on society .

    具有较强顽固性的印度 核弹 技术,造成了较大的社会影响。

  • The principle of target miss identification in azimuth and the dispersion area of warhead fragment were studied .

    研究了目标脱靶方位识别原理,分析了 定向 战斗 破片动态 飞散区的散布特性。

  • The missile is a single-stage liquid-propellant design carrying a single nuclear warhead .

    导弹是单级,液体推进设计能携带一枚单一的 核弹

  • The killing probability of fragmentation warhead of missile to air target and its influence factors were analyzed .

    主要研究了防空导弹系统在噪声干扰下的雷达探测距离模型和 导弹杀伤概率模型。

  • The missile warhead hit the target effecting a nuclear explosion .

    导弹 弹头命中目标,完成了一次核爆炸。

  • North Korea detonated a nuclear warhead in 2006 .

    2006年,朝鲜引爆了一 核弹

  • It contains devices to control depth and direction as well as a detonator for the explosive-filled warhead .

    鱼雷带有控制自身深浅和方向的装置;还有装载能引爆的 弹头的雷管。

  • Based on the research experience of semi-armor-piercing warhead integrated design method for SAPW was studied by advanced engineering design method and computer technique .

    文中基于半穿甲 战斗 研制的经验和技术,利用先进的工程设计方法和计算机技术,完成了半穿甲 战斗 集成设计方法研究。

  • In this paper the concepts concerned with micro-Doppler are introduced the micro-motion models of the cone-shaped warhead and decoy are built and the theoretical der .

    文中在介绍 弹头和诱饵运动特性的基础上,引入了微多普勒概念,建立了 弹头和诱饵的微动模型,并对其微多普勒进行了理论推导。

  • It could carry a single thermonuclear warhead with a maximum explosive force of50 kilotons .

    它可以携带最多为50千吨爆发力单一热核 弹头

  • And if that was not enough its warhead was designed initially without a proximity fuse .

    而且是不足的,它 弹头设计最初没有近炸引信。

  • The judgement for cluster warhead deployment uniformity of surface to surface tactical missile is outlined .

    简述了地地战术导弹集束 战斗 均匀性判定问题。