


  • Investigation on Introduced Ward-round Type Teaching Methods in the Nursing Experimental Lesson Teaching

    护理实验课教学 应用 查房式导入法探讨

  • Status quo of nursing ward-round in China

    我国护理 查房的现状

  • Objective : To learn the utilization of information resources by nurse students when they prepared for ward-round on teaching .

    前言:目的:了解实习护生准备 参加教学 查房时利用信息资源的 情况

  • Objective : To analysis the influencing factors of the clinical nursing work instruction effect of nursing ward-round .

    目的:分析影响护理 业务 查房对临床护理工作指导作用的因素。

  • Faculty director large teaching ward-round and medical quality management

    科主任教学大 查房与医疗质量安全管理

  • Evaluation of the Achivements and Efficacy of the Teaching Ward-round by Teaching Teachers in Clinical Practice

    临床 教老师教学 查房 绩效 考评 初探

  • Effectiveness evaluation for nursing ward-round by application of PBL mode

    应用PBL模式进行 护理 查房的效果评价

  • Practicing the system of senior nurse ward-round and exploring the way of continuing education for paediatric nursing ;

    目的探讨一对一护理导师制在 毕业护士 培训中的应用。

  • Implementation of Different Clinical Nursing Ward-round in Operation Room

    不同形式护理 查房在手术室的实施

  • The intensification of teaching ward-round management can enhance the teachers ' consciousness of ward-round making arouse the students ' zest for study cultivate their clinical ability and ensure the quality of teaching ward-round management .

    通过加强教学 查房管理,强化教员教学查房意识,激发了学生的学习热情,培养了学生的临床能力,提高了临床教学质量。

  • Effect of Carrying out Holistic Nursing Ward-round

    实施整体护理 查房的效应