
[ˈwɔrmˈblʌdɪd][wɔ:m 'blʌdɪd]


  • So Candida has customized its reproductive cycle for life inside a warm-blooded host .

    所以假丝酵母在 热血主体中定制了生命的生殖周期。

  • There is as yet no widely accepted definitive answer as to whether or not they were warm-blooded .

    关于它们是否是 温血 动物这一问题,现在仍然没有出现被广泛接受的确切答案。

  • Modern warm-blooded animals have relatively larger brains than living cold-blooded animals .

    通常现代 温血动物的脑容量比冷血动物大得多。

  • An acute infectious often fatal viral disease of most warm-blooded animals especially wolves cats and dogs that attacks the central nervous system and is transmitted by the bite of infected animals .

    狂犬病一种大多数 温血动物所患的急性,可传染的通常致命的病毒性疾病。尤指狼、猫或狗的。这种疾病破坏中央神经系统并通过被传染动物的咬伤的伤口传播。

  • You 're creating heat If you 're a warm-blooded animal .

    如果你是 温血动物,你会产生热量。

  • Mammals are warm-blooded and reptiles are cold-blooded .

    哺乳动物是 温血 动物,爬行动物是冷血动物。

  • Type genus of Treponemataceae : anaerobic spirochetes with an undulating rigid body ; parasitic in warm-blooded animals .

    密螺旋体科的模式属;厌氧螺旋菌带有刚硬的波浪型躯干;寄生在动物的 热血里。

  • Ecoli is naturally found in the intestinal tracts of all warm-blooded animals including humans .

    大肠杆菌是人及各种动物肠道中的正常 寄居菌。

  • Mammals are warm-blooded animals .

    哺乳动物是 温血动物。

  • Gram-negative parasites in warm-blooded vertebrates .

    革兰氏阴性的 脊椎动物寄生虫。

  • Escherichia coli ( E.coli ) is a bacterium that is commonly found in the gut of humans and warm-blooded animals .

    大肠杆菌(E.coli)是一种在人和 温血动物肠道内常见的细菌。

  • The bacteria normally inhabit the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals such as poultry and cattle and are frequently detected in foods derived from these animals .

    细菌通常情况下栖居在 温血动物(比如家禽和牛)的肠道内,并且经常在源于这类动物的食物中发现。

  • Scientists have known of a link between body temperature and aging in cold-blooded animals but this was the first study to show body temperature changes impact how long warm-blooded animals live .

    科学家们已经知道冷血动物的体温和衰老之间的联系,但是这项最初的研究只是表明体温的改变可以影响 温血动物的寿命。

  • There is a clear difference in bone structure between modern cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals .

    现代 温血动物的骨骼结构与冷血动物有着本质上的区别。

  • As warm-blooded animals humans are hard-wired to keep our body temperature at around 98 degrees Fahrenheit .

    作为 恒温动物,人类体温恒定地保持在36.7摄氏度左右。

  • There is probably no evidence that would definitively prove whether or not some dinosaurs were warm-blooded .

    目前还没有确切的证据表明某些恐龙是否是 温血 动物

  • Cat are warm-blooded animals but snakes are cold-blooded .

    猫是 温血动物,而蛇是冷血动物。

  • Baker concluded the dinosaurs were warm-blooded because they ate so much .

    鉴于恐龙的食量 如此之大,贝克的结论认为恐龙是 热血 动物

  • The snake is not a warm-blooded animal . it 's a cold-blooded one .

    蛇不是 温血动物,而是冷血动物。

  • Probably warm-blooded ; considered direct ancestor of mammals .

    可能是 温血 动物;被认为是哺乳动物的直接祖先。

  • Warm-blooded included mammals and birds whereas all other creatures were considered cold-blooded .


  • A family of warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings .


  • This was the first successful nuclear transplant involving cells of a warm-blooded animal .

    这是 温血动物细胞核移植 试验的首次成功。

  • Respiratory turbinates are fine scroll-shaped bones found in the noses of most modern warm-blooded animals ( mammals and birds ) .

    呼吸鼻甲骨是大多数现代的 温血动物(哺乳动物和鸟类)鼻孔内所具有的精巧的、螺旋状的骨骼。

  • Some warm-blooded animals do not need to hibernate .

    一些 温血动物不需要冬眠。

  • Rabies : acute usually fatal infectious disease of warm-blooded animals that attacks the central nervous system .

    狂犬病: 温血动物感染的一种病情凶险的中枢神经系统急性病毒性传染病。

  • Some warm-blooded animals like the cat the dog or the wolf .

    一些 热血动物,例如猫,狗和狼。

  • Some warm-blooded animals like the cat the dog or the wolf do not need to hibernate .

    有些 温血动物,如猫,狗,或狼,不需要冬眠。

  • Finally mosquitoes come equipped with temperature sensors so they can find warm-blooded mammals and birds very easily .

    最后就是,蚊子还配备了温度感应器,所以它们很轻易就能追踪到 温血的哺乳动物和鸟类。

  • In a warm-blooded creature such as man a lot of oxygen is involved in this process and some of it goes absent without leave .

    温血 动物如人类身上,大量的氧参与了这一过程,其中一些氧侥幸逃脱了。