war zone


  • However piloting tankers outside the immediate war zone was rarely as easy as it is during peacetime .

    然而,在 战区边缘驾驶着加油机很少能够像和平时期那样轻松。

  • During the later period of Taiping Heavenly kingdom the Qing government implemented the policy of reduceing the tax in the partial war zone provinces which reached its anticipated goals to a certain degree .

    摘要太平天国后期,清政府对部分 战区省份实行“减赋”政策,在一定程度上达到了它的预期目的。

  • We came down to the lobby it was like a war zone nobody there .

    当我们下到大厅的时候,那儿就象是 战场一样,没有一个人。

  • When the United states leaves a war zone they generally don 't take their munitions .

    当美国撤离一个 战区时,他们一般不带走武器。

  • It dawned on me that we were heading into a war zone .

    我突然想起我们是在向 战区前进。

  • The government has agreed to the Reiforcement of UN troops inthe war zone .

    政府已同意增派联合国部队去 战区

  • This is why it is stunning that President Zardari 's government is doing very little to stop Pakistan from becoming America 's next war zone .

    这就是为什么惊人主席扎尔达里的政府正在做很少阻止巴基斯坦成为美国的下一个 战区

  • The team was responsible for clearing minefields in the war zone .

    这个小组负责清理 战区的地雷阵。

  • The trucks were laden with food and medicine to take to the war zone .

    卡车上堆满了运往 交战 地区的食品和药物。

  • It is true not only at the level of a company but also at the level of a large war zone : a commander will be subject to criticism if he makes mistakes .

    这不仅是在一个连里,就是在我们一个大的 作战 ,有了错误,指挥员也要受批评。

  • They won 't drive into a war zone .

    他们不会跑到 战区里了。

  • Troops were hurried to the war zone .

    军队被急忙调往 交战 地区

  • Many people have stayed behind in the potential war zone

    许多人留在了可能会沦为 交战 地方

  • The Mediterranean war zone which was closely related with the defence of British metropolitan territory constituted the important front to resist to German and Italian troops at early period of World War ii .

    与英国本土保卫 有密切关联的地中海 地区构成了英国在二战初期抵御德国和意大利的重要战线。

  • You dropped that girl off in a war zone man .

    你在一个 危险 地带把那女孩放下了车。

  • The villagers were evacuated from the war zone .

    那些村民从 战区被疏散。

  • The two tankers heading for the war zone were escorted by a cruiser and a destroyer .

    两艘驶向 战区的油轮由一艘巡洋舰和一艘驱逐舰护航。

  • They cautioned him not to travel in the war zone .

    他们警告他不要到 战争 地带去旅游。

  • About to turn this bitch into a war zone .

    让这“婊子”成为 战区

  • If you are making a war zone you can add realism by blowing things up .

    如果你正在制作一个 战争 地带,你可以通过制造爆炸来增加真实性。

  • A war zone is a district where fighting is going on .


  • She 's already turned this place into a war zone once .

    她已经把这变成 战场一次了。

  • The DMZ is your war zone right ?

    DMZ是您的“ 战区”,对吧?

  • As women were not permitted in the war zone Eleanor would have to stay behind

    女性是不允许进入 战区的,所以埃莉诺不得不留在后方。

  • Medical teams have been flown into the war zone to care for the wounded .

    医疗队已经飞到 战争 区域来照料伤员。

  • So it 's a very bad choice as an armor in a war zone .

    所以在 战争 地带这是一个非常糟糕的装甲选择。

  • The army reckons it needs at least two brigades at home to sustain one in a war zone .

    部队估计国内至少需要两个旅才能维持 战区的一个旅。

  • The LA county fire chief says the neighborhood looks like a war zone .

    LA消防队队长表示,他们的邻居看上去就像是个大 战场

  • Her bullet-proof vest had saved her life more than once while she was reporting from the war zone .

    交战 地带进行报道时,她的防弹背心不止一次救了她的命。

  • The logistics of transporting food and supplies to the war zone are extremely complicated .

    要运输食物与补给品到 战区的后勤工作是极度复杂的。