ware glass

[wɛr ɡlæs][wɛə ɡlɑ:s]

[化] 器皿玻璃

  • Glass ware cast or moulded for indoor decoration ( excl. illuminating glassware and glass beads ) of glass ceramics

    压铸或模制玻璃 器皿,用于室内装饰(不包括照明玻璃器皿和 玻璃珠)玻璃陶瓷制

  • Coating resin of melamine ware is prepared by melamine and formaldehyde . Composites fabricated from glass fabric stacking with thermoplastic PPS powder ( powder technology ) was evaluated .

    蜜胺 制品 光树脂粉是由三聚氰胺与甲醛缩聚而成。研究聚苯硫醚(PPS)树脂粉与 玻璃纤维织物(GF)叠层模塑(粉末工艺)制复合材料的工艺与性能。

  • By the Steady Drop Method the specific heat behaviors of three kinds of Na_2O-CaO-SiO_2 glass products flat glass container glass and ware glass are measured with the copper block calorimeter .

    本文根据稳态下落卡计法,采用铜卡计比热仪研究了国内生产的三大类Na2OCaOSiO2系统玻璃产品平板玻璃,瓶罐玻璃和 器皿 玻璃的比热行为。

  • Bamboo ware wood planks crystal double color boards organic glass glass paper leather rubble marble granite tiles etc.

    竹木、水晶、双色板、有机 玻璃、玻璃、纸张、皮革、橡皮、大理石、花岗岩、瓷砖等。