


  • Study on Ecological Benefit of Forest in Water Resources Area of Shanxi Water-control Project

    温州 水利 枢纽工程水源区森林生态效益研究

  • Flood discharge and energy dissipation is always a key factor for water-control projects .

    一直以来,泄洪消能的 安全问题都是 水利 枢纽工程 建设 成败的关键因素之一。

  • Irrigation can not be achieved without water resources and water-control is closely related to the large-scale water conservancy irrigation system .

    灌溉离不开水资源,而 治水则离不开大规模的水利灌溉系统。

  • The study on fractured media of tectonic structures with different characters indicates that the characteristics of fracture development have certain significance in determining hydrogeological boundary of some water-control structures .

    针对不同性质构造的裂隙研究表明,裂隙发育特征对确定某些构造 的水文地质边界具有一定意义。

  • These characteristics made oil-base cement slurry have a wide application prospect in oil-stabilization and water-control oil reservoir protection EoR and so on .

    针对水基水泥浆在石油 钻采应用中存在的不足,介绍了油基水泥浆的组成及性能。

  • Study on flood resources utilization by Zipingpu key water-control project ;

    洪水资源利用是 解决 潍坊 资源短缺的重要 途径

  • However due to the complexity and uncertainty of groundwater movement the diversity of mine flood types the work of mine flood preventing and cure is currently accomplished by the water-control experts .

    但由于地下水运动的复杂性、不确定性、水害类型的多样性,目前我国的煤矿水害防治 停留经验 治水 水平上。

  • Study on Data Acquisition Model of Information Integration System in Water-Control Project

    梯级 水利 枢纽信息集成系统数据采集模式研究

  • As part of the plan the Army Corps of Engineers built roads canals and water-control systems throughout South Florida .

    该项目的内容包括 派遣陆军工程兵到佛罗里达州南部兴建公路、运河和 治水系统。

  • As technical of dam projects develops more water-control projects with high water level high flow and high-power are built into use while the problem caused by flood discharge and energy dissipation has become the core problem that impacting the safety of hydraulic projects .

    随着我国坝工技术的发展,许多高水头、大流量、大功率的 水利 枢纽工程 陆续 开工建设,泄洪消能就成为了影响工程安全的核心问题。

  • Drought simulation in laboratory field test and water-control experiment in drought shed were carried out to reveal the agronomic character change and physiologic & biochemical reaction of triticale varieties . According to the experiment the identification indexes of drought-resistant were screened and practical indexes were determined .

    通过实验室抗旱模拟、田间试验及 试验,揭示干旱胁迫胁条件下小黑麦抗旱品种的 表型农艺性状变化及生理生化反应,筛选与确定抗旱品种实用抗旱鉴定指标。

  • As a water-control hinge project in the west of China the Three Gorges strongly affects shipping development in the upriver part of Changjiang as well as economic development of southwest China .

    三峡船闸作为西部 水利 枢纽工程,其通过能力直接影响着长江中上游的航运发展,对我国西南地区的经济发展起着重要的作用。

  • The lab test of a new type self-generated foam gel compound water-control agent

    一种自生泡沫凝胶复合 剂的室内研究

  • The lab tests of a new-type sodium silicate single-fluid water-control agent

    一种新型水玻璃单液法 剂的室内试验

  • This paper analyses the observational data of the major dam 's ( earth dam ) surface settlement of Jiangkou Key Water-control Project and obtains the regression equations of the optimum settlement .

    本文对江口水库 主坝(土坝)坝面沉降观测资料进行了 整理分析,得出最优沉降过程回归方程;

  • At last we introduced communication protocols of the intelligent water control system and performed some tests on the water-control system .

    最后,对智能控水系统的 数据库 管理系统进行了测试。

  • Why did the water-control hero Yu the Great establish the first dynasty that can be called a state in Chinese history the Xia and is there any symbolic meaning in this ?

    为什么一个 治水的英雄大禹创立了中国历史上第一个堪称国家的王朝&夏,这里面有什么象征意义吗?

  • At present the traditional model for water-control has been unable to meet the development requirements of the new situation and the crisis of water resources seriously challenges to the national governance ability .

    在现阶段,传统的 治水模式已经不能适应新形势的发展要求,严峻的水资源危机对国家治理能力提出了挑战。

  • A Successful Example of Water-Control : Dujiangyan Irrigation Project

    都江堰是 治水的成功范例