welfare policy

[ˈwɛlˌfɛr ˈpɑlɪsi][ˈwelfɛə ˈpɔləsi]


  • Controversial issues dealt with include day care welfare policy and the Family Values debate .

    并且涵盖以下有争议的议题:日间托儿、 福利 政策,以及关于「家庭价值」的争论。

  • The social welfare policy affects highly the action of the employer and the employee in the labour market and on this basis it makes a notable impact on the unemployment rate .

    社会 福利 制度极大影响劳动力市场上雇主和雇员的行为,从而影响失业率。

  • Child ' Bodies Minds Victims Threats and Investments Three Angles of View to Child Social Welfare Policy

    剖析儿童青少年社会 福利 政策的三个视角&身体与心灵,牺牲者与威胁者,投资

  • The Efficiency of Chinese Welfare Policy for Street Children : A Perspective of the Street Children

    中国流浪儿童 福利 政策的绩效:基于流浪儿童视角的分析

  • The senators are fully behind his welfare policy .

    参议院的议员们完全支持他的 社会 福利 政策

  • Establish and perfect rural medical service in the new period to social welfare policy .

    旨在服务于新时期农村医疗养老 福利 政策的制定与完善。

  • Our government has taken several measures to ensure our economic developing stably and eliminate the difference between the rich and poor such as : deficiency payment and social welfare policy .

    为了实现经济的平稳可持续发展、消除贫富差距、构架和谐社会,我国政府实行了各种维护 劳动者 利益和稳定 社会 秩序 政策,如:差额补贴制度、社会 福利等。

  • Welfare policy is determined at UK level and so is almost all taxation .

    福利 政策以及几乎所有税务 政策目前由英国政府决定。

  • As one of the important branch of the social policy the social welfare policy is not unchangeable .

    社会 福利 政策作为社会政策的重要组成部分也是处在不断地变化中的。

  • Policing will be affected but so probably will welfare policy attitudes to young people and parenting and much besides .

    警察部门会受到影响,但 社会 福利 政策、对待年轻人和青年父母的态度及其他诸多方面可能也同样会被影响。

  • The party was urged to set up a commission to enquire into tax income distribution and welfare policy .

    人们敦促该党设立一个调查税务、收入分配及 福利 救济 政策的委员会。

  • Social welfare policy is an important factor to affect the public welfare and social harmony no country in the process of modernization can avoid this problem .

    社会 福利 政策是影响公民福利和社会和谐的重要因素,任何一个国家在现代化过程中都无法回避的这一问题。

  • The other side wants to tear down this achievement . It wants to go back to government by a few mates for a few mates where favoured groups get a special say in our workplaces in education policy in environment policy and in welfare policy .

    另一部分人想抹煞这些成绩,这些人想重返过去“少数人为少数人的政府”,这些人想独揽实业,教育,环保和 福利等方面的 政策

  • Part three some understanding and thinking in the British social welfare policy research process .

    第三部分,对英国社会 福利 政策研究过程中的一些认识和思考。

  • Medical industry in China is a public welfare business run by the government under the national welfare policy .

    我国医疗事业是政府实行一定 福利 政策的社会公益事业。

  • Welfare policy is closely related to the broad political economic and social development of a country .

    福利 政策的变化,与一个国家的政治、经济、社会文化等诸多因素相关联。

  • The public welfare policy for the disadvantages has always been an important measure of social and moral principles .

    面向弱势群体的公共 福利 政策,历来是彰显社会道德原则的重要尺度。

  • But strictly speaking it acts more like as a function of social welfare policy which is to reduce the parents'cost of Early Childhood Education .

    严格评之,现行幼教券的性质,社会 福利的功能重于教育 选择权,减少家长负担是最明显可见的 利益

  • At the foundation of analytical British social welfare policy empirical get some beneficial apocalypses .

    在分析英国社会 福利 政策经验的基础上,得出了一些有益的启示。

  • There are also a lot of room for improvement in child welfare policy and service system on .

    由于 儿童 福利 发展时间不长,在儿童 福利 政策和服务体系上也存在不少有待改善的地方,论文都作出了相应的 分析

  • Meanwhile the NCMS reduces the financial burden and improves income-related inequality of health care utilization . It plays an important role in the field of the public welfare policy to promote social equality .

    同时,新农合有效地降低了农村居民因疾病带来的经济负担,并改善了与收入相关的医疗服务利用不平等情况,发挥了公共 福利 政策促进社会公平的作用。