wearing part

[ˈwɛrɪŋ pɑrt][ˈweərɪŋ pɑ:t]


  • The volume of the crystallizer is smaller has no wearing part and low operating cost .

    结晶器的体积较小,无 易损 ,运行成本低。

  • The most wearing part carrying chute is modified to be a composite construction for ease of replacement . The bearing is one of the most easily damage spares and often needs to be replaced .

    最易 磨损的承载溜槽改为便于更换的组合结构;轴瓦是汽车最易磨损的零件之一,在汽车维修中更换数量最多,但至今尚缺乏一个十分理想的修复方法。

  • Q.Is wearing the earrings part of being on stage here at the US Open ? Is that why you brought something so special for this tournament ?

    记者:今天的比赛相对来说 场“ 速战速决”的比赛,应该正是你所希望的一个开局吧?

  • The iron-base powder metallurgical parts after surface modified chemically can obtain much higher hardness wearing capacity and fatigue strength than those heat treated conventionally and the heart part maintains well plastic and ductile .

    化学表面改性处理的铁基粉末冶金件表面可获得比普通热处理更高的硬度、 耐磨性和疲劳强度,同时心 保持良好的塑性和韧性。应尽量选择高密度粉末冶金材料。

  • With advance design reasonable structure and excellent performance there is much improvement and progress in aspects of wearing part lifetime unit vibration noise control automation protection compared with the similar conventional high pressure products in our state .

    该机在 易损 寿命、机组的振动、噪声和自控、保护方面较以往国内同类高压产品有显著的改进和提高。

  • The dental abrasive testing machine applies a V-like swing arm to driving the wearing part to move along the slope back and forth which is connected with an eccentric wheel fixed on the crankshaft of the gear motor through a connecting rod .

    该机采用V形摆动臂来驱动 磨耗 部分沿斜面作往复 磨耗运动,V形摆动臂通过连接杆与减速电机轴上的偏心轮连接。

  • Unlike wearing an interview suit to work using such websites isn 't a clear sign of job hunting since many people use these portals as part of their job .

    穿着面试装去上班不一样,使用这种网站并不是正在找工作的明显标志,因为许多人在工作 都会用到这些门户网站。

  • Tropical Thailand is to ask workers to stop wearing suits as part of the country 's latest bid to conserve energy a senior government official said .

    位于热带的泰国打算推出最新的节能招数,要求职员们不再 穿着 套装,这消息源自一位政府高级官员。

  • WPC treatment could produce many fine pits on the metal surface which can contain lubricant so that wearing and friction of the sliding part and noise can be reduced .

    WPC加工使其金属表面产生无数细小凹痕,能起到积存润滑油的作用,因而减小了滑动 部分 磨损和摩擦,并可降低噪声。

  • But many believers seemed entirely ignorant of the cold wearing little but huge smiles as they took part in an ancient rite that has passed on through the generations since the early tsarist times .

    但很多教徒似乎对寒冷毫不在乎,他们脱光了 衣服,脸上却浮现出灿烂的笑容。洗礼仪式 一项古老的传统,自早期帝国时代开始一直代代相传至今。

  • Wearing evening gowns all day is just part of her essentric behaviour .

    整天 穿着晚礼服不过是她古怪的行为 之一

  • Wearing elements of black tie out of context is part of that says Carlos de Freitas head of men 's wear design for Dunhill . It stems from a demand for more relaxation and self-expression .

    在非正式场合 穿戴无尾礼服的元素就是 其中 部分,登喜路(Dunhill)男装设计主管卡洛斯•德弗赖塔斯(CarlosdeFreitas)表示,这源自一种对放松和自我表现的需求。

  • Wearing protective headgear the jumping and catching is one part of a varied recovery programme .

    保护性的帽子,进行了跳和扑球练习,这是众多恢复训练的一 部分

  • After wearing the orthosis the children patients had to take part in the cinesiateics for at least 1 hour every day untill the teratism was nearly stable .

    患儿 佩带矫形器后,每天至少 参加运动疗法1h,直至畸形基本稳定。

  • Women didn 't go out at night without wearing flowers as part of their evening dress .

    妇女们如果不在她们的晚礼服 装饰 朵花,她们晚上是绝不会出门的。

  • Companies making the cloth are quick to point out that wearing herb-infused clothing will not actually cure an illness but can simply help as part of an overall approach .

    生产这种布料的多家公司很快便指出: 穿戴浸过药草的衣物实际上并不能治愈疾病,它仅仅可以作为一套整体的医疗方案的 部分

  • There was a time when wearing sunglasses would have been seen as too cool for school but for pupils at a primary school in Australia they are now a compulsory part of the uniform .

    墨镜上学在过去一定会被认为过于前卫,而澳大利亚一所小学日前规定,学生必须戴 墨镜上学。

  • The audience from college students to Yappies people wearing black T-shirts and silver jewelry slam dancers and listeners foreigners and Chinese gradually became part of the show .

    这些观众,从大学生到雅皮士, 穿黑色体恤衫 银色首饰,投入的舞者和听者,外国人和中国人,全都成为了演出的 部分