



  • Software reliability growth model for wearable computer


  • A range of wearable products from startups and established brands are inspiring and intriguing people .

    创业公司和成熟品牌推出的一系列 穿戴 产品让人们欢欣鼓舞,跃跃欲试。

  • Research on Software Architecture of Wearable Computer


  • The first students will work on projects related to wearable technology and the Internet of things .

    第一批学生将参与和 穿戴技术及物联网有关的项目。

  • Both of us had worked before with wearable technology .

    我们两个之前都做过 穿戴技术。

  • The GoPro range of wearable video recorders has become a huge hit in adventure sports .

    GoPro的一系列 穿戴 录像机在极限运动领域激起了热潮。

  • Vu is already scheming up ideas to make wearable devices more compelling .

    不过他已经在策划让 穿戴设备更有吸引力的创意了。

  • Simon Ritter specialises in looking at emerging technologies including grid computing RFID wireless sensor networks robotics and wearable computing .

    SimonRitter专门研究新兴的技术,包括网格计算、RFID、无线传感网络、机器人技术和 穿戴计算。

  • Unlike others we imagine that this will be a wearable mouse of sorts .

    不过,和其他人不同,我们认为iWatch将类似一款 佩戴鼠标产品。

  • The company describes the glasses as wearable computers that would change the way people view others and the world .

    谷歌公司将这个眼镜描述成 可以 佩戴的电脑,这个眼镜将改变人们观察他人和世界的方式。

  • It 's fashionable but wearable and it 's easy to look after .

    它既时尚又 耐穿,而且容易打理。

  • Just days before its product launch event in Spain China 's Huawei is teasing its upcoming wearable device .

    就在华为(Huawei)的西班牙产品发布会之前几天,该公司管理人士在微博晒出了即将面世的 穿戴设备。

  • In Italy they rarely do things by halves . Designers work thoroughly producing the world 's most wearable clothes in the most beautiful fabrics .

    在意大利,人们很少马虎从事。设计师们精益求精,用最美丽的布料制造出世界上最 适合 穿着的衣服。

  • Wearable headset computers don 't really exist to anyone but the people who actively wish for them ;


  • The company this year released to limited availability its Google Glass wearable computer .

    该公司今年限量推出了谷歌眼镜(GoogleGlass) 穿戴电脑。

  • At vital connect he focused on sensors for measuring respiration and activity levels with wearable devices .

    供职于 生物传感技术 公司VitalConnect时,纳拉沙米安主要致力于 开发测量呼吸和活动量的传感器及 穿戴 医疗设备。

  • No distortion wearable and good heat resistance ;

    不变形, 耐磨和耐热性能好;

  • Prices for such wearable technology are forecast by analysts to fall quickly .

    分析师预计,这类 穿戴技术的价格将快速下降。

  • More than one-third of the roughly 1 respondents already use wearable technologies on the job .

    在大约1400名受访者中,超过三分之一已经开始在工作中使用 穿戴技术。

  • Smart glass products like Google Glass are wearable computers with a head-mounted display .

    谷歌眼镜这样的智能眼镜产品其实是带有头戴式显示器的 穿戴计算机。

  • It can deliver heat water oil corrosive or wearable medium by changing material of pump .

    通过改变泵的材质、密封形式和 增加冷却系统,可输送热水、油类、腐蚀性和含 磨料的介质等。

  • Project glass is essentially Google now plus augmented reality and wearable computing .

    眼镜计划(ProjectGlass)本质上就是GoogleNow加上增强现实技术以及 穿戴计算。

  • Wearable devices may be a new platform battleground .


  • Better than fingerprint recognition wearable devices would use a person 's heart waves to identify them .

    比指纹识别更好的一点是, 穿戴设备可以用人们的心电图来识别用户。

  • Study and Application on Wearable Technology for Thermal Comfort of Human Body

    穿戴 人体热舒适系统技术的研究与应用

  • Study on Enterprise On-site Task Assistant System and Key Technologies Based on Wearable Computing

    基于 穿戴计算的企业现场作业辅助系统及关键技术研究

  • The company makes wearable beautifully cut clothes at affordable prices .

    这家公司生产经久 耐穿、外形美观且价格合理的服装。

  • Several factors have dogged the nascent wearable technology market .

    有几个因素一直困扰着依然处于襁褓期的 穿戴技术市场。

  • Crowdfunding services KickStarter and indiegogo are flooded with wearable product pitches .

    大众融资平台Kickstarter和Indiegogo上充斥着 穿戴 产品的筹资信息。

  • The continued interest in wearable technology means fashion and stylish design is becoming more important to hardware manufacturers .

    随着人们对 穿戴设备越来越感兴趣,对于硬件制造商来说,时尚气息和炫酷的设计就变得愈发重要。