wedge furnace

[wɛdʒ ˈfɚnɪs][wedʒ ˈfə:nis]


  • New Construction Technics of the Wedge Two Side Steel Model in the Moving and Stable Bottom of the Walking-beam Heating Furnace

    步进加热 动定炉底 两面钢模施工新工艺

  • Excessive convexity severe wedge dissymmetric convexity and partial protrusion will result in sticking of sheets during annealing in the bell-type furnace .

    热轧板凸度过大, 楔形严重,凸度不对称和有局部高点,均可造成罩式 退火时产生粘结。

  • Research and Application of Four-oil Wedge Bush in Electric Blower of Blast Furnace

    四油 轴瓦在 高炉电动鼓风机上的研究与应用