weather map

[ˈwɛðɚ mæp][ˈweðə mæp]


  • The effect of weather clutter edge is analysed and the architecture of the hardware is also provided finally the clutter map is realized by FPGA .

    着重分析了 气象杂波边缘问题的处理,并给出了整个硬件电路的结构框架 ,最后通过FPGA实现了整个杂 波图

  • This system includes three sub-modules that are a weather forecast service a shopping car service and a displaying map service .

    这个移动Web服务系统包括三个子模块: 天气预报服务、购物车服务、 地图显示服务。

  • The year 1998 also saw the operation of 1 urban and rural weather forecast service and transmission stations and 235 satellite cloud map receiving stations throughout China .

    全国共有城乡 天气预报服务网发射站点1213个,卫星 云图接收站点235个。

  • The combined analysis of the weather map satellite cloud picture and V 3 θ chart can not only reflect the southern frontal weather process clearly but also increase the effect of the forecast of the frontal rainfall point and the rainfall volume and terminating time .

    天气 、卫星云图和V-3θ图结合分析不仅能清晰反映锋面天气过程,而且能够提高降水落点、降水强度及降水结束时间的预测效果。

  • Few people have researched what the world map in middle school students ' hearts is and weather the teachers use mental map to train the students ' geography ability by now in China .

    目前为止,中国很少有人来研究中学生心目中的世界地图是什么样的,有什么特点,以及 教师 是否利用心理 地图来培养学生的地理学科能力。

  • For example a mash-up might pull data such as weather information traffic information and a map from three unique sources .

    例如,一个聚合应用程序可能从三个不同的数据源提取数据,如 天气信息、交通信息和 地图

  • Against a backdrop of the BBC 's weather map Prince Charles delivered a specially written script which included references to royal residences in Scotland .

    在BBC 气象 地图的背景下,查尔斯王子播报的是一份有苏格兰皇家住宅参照的手写脚本。

  • Today 's weather map shows a ridge of high pressure to the west .

    今天的 气象 图表明向西方向有一个高压脊。

  • Assisted examination It may be an useful auxiliary tool for weather map method .

    可作为 天气 分析 预报方法的一个有用的辅助工具。

  • Based on the five station data in Southern Anhui Province and NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data and historical weather map from 2001 to 2004 the relationship between cloud system and precipitation in Southern Anhui Province in winter half year and East Asian Circulation are analyzed .

    用皖南5个气象站2001-2004年冬半年地面气象观测资料、美国NCEP/NCAR全球日平均分析场资料和历史 天气 ,对皖南冬半年云系和降水与大尺度大气环流进行了分析。

  • The geothermal vortex etc may be the materialized climate system and the Diqi map may be the equiform of weather map .

    天气 相应的,描述气候系统变化的一种四维图象也会应运而生。作者认为此图象很可能是“地气图”,而具体的气候系统很可能就是地热涡、地冷涡和形变锋等。

  • Programming of Cartoon for Ordinary Weather Sketch Map in TV Weather Forecast

    电视天气预报节目中常见 天气示意 的动画制作

  • In this case the map and weather components are tightly coupled to their parent component ( the place component ) because they rely on the parent component 's attributes .

    在本例中, map weather组件紧密耦合到它们的父组件(place组件),因为它们依赖于父组件的属性。

  • It consists of automatic ceding for weather radar network and precipitation echo map printing .

    系统是对 天气雷达数字化终端的再开发,它由 天气雷达联防报自动编制和降水回波 打印两部分组成。

  • The construction of a scientific theory may be compared to the preparation of a weather map at a central meteorological station .

    创立科学理论的工作可以同在中心气象台制作 气象 相比。

  • There is a part of anticyclone in the whole cyclone . All above can 't be obtained in the weather map of 850 hPa and 700 hPa and these are in correspondence with diagnostic analysis .

    在整个气旋环流中有局部的反气旋环流出现,这是850700hPa 天气 上得不到的,且与边界层诊断分析相符合。

  • The atmosphere pressure gradient is an inverse measure of the spacing of the isobars on a weather map .

    气压梯度与 天气 上等压线的间隔大小成反比。

  • As compared with the weather map analysis and prognostic method it is more direct and simple hence easy to use in basic weather stations for routine operation .

    该方法与 天气 形势分析预报法相比,直观性比较强,各物理因子的计算比较简单,便于在基层台站日常预报业务中使用。

  • But in that case I lose some convenience because the place component would need to pass all of the attributes explicitly to the map and weather components .

    但是如果那样做的话,我就会牺牲一些方便性,因为place组件需要将所有属性显式地传递给 map weather组件。

  • The application also provides simple APIs into Yahoo ! 's map and weather Web services with the application-scoped mapService and weatherService managed beans respectively .

    应用程序还分别使用应用程序范围内的mapService和weatherService托管beans为Yahoo!的 map weatherWeb服务提供了简单的API。

  • The system of Auto-Coding for Weather Radar Network and Precipitation Echo Map Printing

    天气雷达联防报自动编制和降水回波 打印系统

  • Design and Realization of FPGA-based Weather Clutter Map

    基于FPGA的 气象波图设计与实现

  • This paper studies on isoline data extraction and conversion in weather map including image binary transformation line thinning vectoring as well as conversion and recovery of data extract .

    气象 中等值线数据的提取与转化问题进行了研究,其中包括图像的二值化、细化、矢量化以及提取数据的转换和还原。

  • Extraction and Conversion of Weather Map Data

    气象 数据的提取与转换

  • His comments come as the financial times publishes its latest European economic weather map which shows the mixed conditions across the continent .

    韦伯发表上述言论之际,英国《金融时报》发表了最新的欧洲经济 气象 ,表明欧洲大陆各国景况不一。

  • Considering some near-shore engineering areas lack of the practical data for wave and wind field this paper propose a calculation model system which utilizes historical weather map to calculate wind fieid factors then to calculate the wind-wave field .

    考虑到部分近岸工程区域,附近缺乏现场波浪实测资料和风场实测资料,本文中采用了历史 天气 计算风场要素,进而根据风场要素推算风浪场。

  • A method for weather map objective analysis designing in segment

    一种分段设计的 天气 客观分析方法