



  • The Weasel refused saying that he was bynature the enemy of all birds .


  • Herbie had bared his weasel teeth .

    赫比露出了 黄鼠狼 的牙齿。

  • The weasel feeds off field voles snakes and other small animals .


  • Ay that you are or I 'm no weasel .

    哼,你要不是 老鼠,我就不是 黄鼠狼

  • The monkey chased the weasel .

    猴子追赶 黄鼠狼

  • I feel like such weasel when things like that happen like the world has to revolve around me .

    当那样的事发生的时候,我觉得自己很 狡猾,好像全世界都是围着我转的。

  • Happily it managed to shake off the weasel and fly up into the trees .

    幸运的是,最后它成功摆脱了那 黄鼠狼,飞到树丛中。

  • The weasel pays a courtesy visit to the hen ; not with the best of intentions .

    狼给鸡 拜年,不怀好意。

  • I 'm gonna stick that weasel down my mamma .

    我要坚持下来我的妈妈 黄鼠狼

  • Not even a rabbit or a weasel 's nest ?

    甚至连个兔子或者 鼬鼠的窠都不 瞧瞧吗?

  • Making me feel guilty you little weasel .

    让我背上负罪感,你这个小 坏蛋

  • Don 't trust that guy . he 's weasel .

    不要相信那家伙,他是个 滑头

  • Badgers wolverines and skunks are also members of the weasel family but are less similar .

    獾、貂熊和臭鼬也是 科动物的成员,但是,没有那么相似。

  • Mom has the weasel come ?

    妈妈,是 不是来了 黄鼠狼

  • Dense coat of fine silky hairs on an mammals e.g. cat or seal or weasel .

    哺乳动物(如猫或海豹或 鼹鼠)的浓厚的皮毛或优良的柔滑的毛。

  • I imagine the weasel gave it a go jumped on its back and then the woodpecker took off .

    我猜想 当时 应该是这只 黄鼠狼吃掉啄木鸟,于是跳到它的背上,然后啄木鸟立刻飞了起来。

  • Chandler 's weasel face screwed into an obsequious smile .

    钱德勒 黄鼠狼 的脸上现出了谄媚的笑容。

  • And the victim wasn 't some movie weasel or starlet .

    受害人也不是什么电影圈的 滑头或小明星。

  • We need to find the key before the weasel .

    我们要 黄鼠狼前找到钥匙。

  • You are just a chicken-stealing weasel .

    你顶多就是披着人皮的 黄鼠狼

  • It is made of goat 's or weasel 's hair .

    它由山羊毛或 黄鼠狼毛制成。

  • The weasel is a timid animal but will fight like a tiger in defence of its young .


  • He might be a bore but he was as quick-witted as a weasel

    他也许是个很无聊的人,可是却像 黄鼠狼一样机灵。

  • The weasel goes to pay his respects to the hen -- not with the best of intentions . ; A weasel giving new year 's greetings to a hen has ulterior motives .


  • A weasel ran off with a chick in its mouth .

    黄鼠狼 走一只小鸡。

  • There was a cereal called honeycomb there was evil demon weasel thing .

    有一个麦片的 广告,里面有一 邪恶的 鼬鼠

  • Let me tell you something about that weasel boss of yours .

    让我告诉你你那个 卑鄙老板的一些事情。

  • Like a happy little squirrel or a weasel .

    就像一只快乐的松鼠或者 黄鼠狼

  • They set a trap for the weasel .

    他们给 黄鼠狼设下陷阱。

  • I got a weasel in my pocket .

    我得到了我的口袋里 黄鼠狼