weather analysis

[ˈwɛðɚ əˈnælɪsɪs][ˈweðə əˈnæləsis]


  • The automatic weather station can provide the important information for science research the weather information and the weather analysis .

    自动气象站为气象情报、 气象 分析和科学研究提供重要的依据。

  • A case study of the impact of Satellite Sounding Data on Numerical Weather Analysis and forecast

    卫星探测资料对数值 天气 分析和预报影响的个例试验

  • The Weather Analysis of Autumn Heavy Rain in Yunnan Province

    云南秋季(9~10月)强降水的 天气 分析

  • The achievement on the China satellite applications is described including those in the weather analysis and forecast numerical weather prediction climate monitoring and short range climate forecast .

    气象卫星 资料应用研究成果,主要包括 气象卫星 资料天气 分析和预报中的应用、在数值预报中的应用和在气候监测和短期气候预测中的应用。

  • A mesoscale weather analysis support program by LAPS for Shanghai is proposed from three aspects of dynamics thermodynamics and moisture condition with the help of all discusses above .

    并在此基础上,从动力、热力和水汽输送三个方面提出了基于LAPS的上海中尺度 天气 分析辅助方案。

  • Weather analysis and grade determination of a tornado occurring in a single super-storm

    一次超级单体风暴中龙卷的 天气过程 分析及龙卷强度判定

  • Motion target detection is an important task in applied machine vision research due to its wide applications in many fields such as astronomical observation weather analysis safety surveillance traffic control and so on .

    运动目标的检测在天文观测、 气象 分析、安全监视、交通管制等许多领域有着广泛的应用,它是机器视觉研究的重要课题。

  • The Weather Analysis And Precipitation Simulation For The Rainstorm Of West Of Guangxi On August 21

    2005年8月21日桂西大暴雨 天气 分析与降水模拟

  • This is coincident with the experience of weather analysis and the classical Margules ' models .

    这与 天气 分析经验以及经典的马古列斯(M.Margules)模式是一致的。

  • Application of satellite water vapor imagery and potential vorticity field on convection weather analysis

    卫星水汽图像和位势涡度场在强对流 天气 分析中的应用

  • Soil moisture is an important parameter of research such as agricultural research and weather analysis . It has significant meaning in hydrological forecasts and crop water monitoring because of its accurate and fast information retrieval soil moisture on the analysis .

    土壤墒情是农业研究、 气象 分析等领域中的一个重要参数,准确、快速地反演土壤墒情信息,对我国的水文预报分析、农作物缺水监测等都具有重要的意义。

  • The application results showed that data of FY-2C satellite and its products had played an important role in environment monitoring and catastrophic weather analysis forecasting and warning .

    实际应用结果表明,C星资料在环境与灾害性 天气的监测 分析、预报和预警等方面发挥了重要作用。

  • The objective of this study is to explore the regulation of migration overwintering and mechanisms underlying outbreak of meadow moth by combining atmospheric numerical simulation trajectory analysis weather analysis and correlation analysis and to provide a scientific basis for improving the forecast accuracy of meadow moth .

    为此,本研究应用大气数值模拟、轨迹分析、 天气 分析、相关分析等方法,探索草地螟迁飞、越冬规律和暴发机制,为提高草地螟预测预报水平提供科学的依据。

  • Nowadays the GMS only transmits analogous pictures which have found wide application in weather analysis and forecast .

    目前GMS云图资料提供的是模拟量,模拟云图资料在 天气 分析与预报中已有很多应用。

  • Settled weather Analysis of quantitative relationship between gas offtake and plateau duration of natural gas reservoir

    稳定的 天气,连续的晴 天气藏采气速度与稳产期定量关系 研究

  • A Weather Analysis on Heavy-hard Rain in Autumn in Hohhot

    呼和浩特市秋季一次大到暴雨 天气过程 分析

  • On the other hand is weather analysis and visible .

    另一方面是 气象信息的 分析与可视化。

  • Weather analysis of Bohai sea storm surge caused by extratropical cyclone

    温带气旋诱发的渤海风暴潮 天气 分析

  • Using remote sensing technology to extract the range of agro-regions is very important for the agricultural weather analysis .

    利用遥感技术提取农区范围对于进行农业 气象 分析非常的重要。

  • This technology has been used in military control and guide robot 's vision navigation security surveillance traffic guidance medical diagnostics weather analysis and many other fields .

    它在军事视觉制导、机器人视觉导航、安全监测、交通管制、医疗诊断以及 气象 分析等许多方面都有广泛的应用,该技术有着不可估量的发展前景。

  • Judgement of Geostrophic Wind Principle and Its Application In Weather Analysis

    地转风原则的判定方法及其在 天气 分析中的应用

  • National Weather Analysis Center

    美国 气象 分析中心全国 气象 分析中心

  • The simulation results show that the rainfall area and quantity are simulated quite well . It shows that the simulation density and center of southwest vortex are nearly the same as the weather analysis according to analysis the mesoscale weather system generates the heavy rainfall .

    模拟结果表明,模拟降水的落区和量级效果较好,通过对造成此次暴雨天气的中尺度天气系统西南涡的分析,模拟结果是西南涡的强度和中心与 实况 分析都是一致的。

  • Summer High Temperature Weather Analysis under the Blocking Situation in East Asian

    初夏东亚阻塞形势下的高温 天气 分析

  • At present wavelet transform had acquired a great deal of harvest in scientific research and application it has already been applied in signal analysis speech synthesis image identifies computer vision date compression earthquake reconnaissance weather analysis etc.

    现在,小波变换已经被广泛应用于信号分析、语音合成、图像识别、计算机视觉、数据压缩、地震勘探、 气候 分析等多个方面并取得了许多有意义的科研和应用成果。

  • Adopting the methods of numerical simulation and weather analysis and according to circulation background and main affecting system of the occurring rainstorm area on October 18 to 20 2002 numerical experiment and contrast analysis of precipitation forecast have been done by a η coordinate model .

    采用数值模拟和 天气 分析方法,针对2002年10月18~20日区域性暴雨过程发生时的环流背景和主要影响系统,进行了η坐标模式降水预报的数值试验和对比分析。

  • Method of Ship Avoiding Typhoon at Sea Based on Weather Analysis

    在航船舶基于 气象 分析的实用避台方法

  • In this paper a new technique the status and development of the Model-Output Re-Diagnoses ( MOD ) and graphic display for numerical weather productions have been discussed . The role in weather analysis and forecasting for this technique have also been documented .

    本文介绍了数值产品再分析诊断(MOD)与图象显示技术在国内外研究的现状,讨论了作为 天气 分析预报的新技术在 天气预报业务中的作用及发展趋势。

  • Design and Development of Modern Weather Analysis and Prediction Teaching System

    现代 天气 分析预报网络教学系统的设计与开发