well stimulation


  • Well stimulation evaluation is the premise of correct decision-making therefore of great practical significance .

    油井 增产 措施效果评价是正确决策的前提,所以具有十分重要的现实意义。

  • Field application results of 112 times in 96 wells in Liaohe oilfield indicate that this agent can control effectively leakage of workover fluid into high permeability and low pressure reservoir and is helpful to well stimulation .

    该修井暂堵剂经辽河油田96口井、112井次现场应用表明,可有效地控制渗透性好的低压储层漏失.起到保护储层和辅助 增产 措施 顺利实施的 良好作用。

  • Matrix acidizing is among the oldest well stimulation techniques . The technical points cov-ered the following aspects : the proliferation and culture and acclimatization of acetic acid bacteria ;

    基质酸化是最 使用的 增产措施之一。工艺要点有:醋酸菌的增殖培养与驯化;

  • The problems faced to development engineering are how to improve the effect of well stimulation and profile control in low permeability reservoir and high permeability sandstone Payzone in Huabei oilfield .

    如何提高低渗透砂岩油藏和较高渗透砂岩油藏 注调剖效果,是华北油田开发中的难题。

  • In addition the well killing fluid in the horizontal interval may be displaced from the bottom hole and the pest-acidizing liquid nitrogen may be also discharged thus raising the discharged efficiency of residual acid and reducing the secondary damage caused by well stimulation .

    此外,还可以将水平井段中的压井液替出井底和进行酸后液氮排液,提高了残酸的返排效率,减少了 增产 作业中的二次损害。

  • The development of gelling acid and crosslinked hydrochloric acid for use in well stimulation


  • During initial reservoir development period the result of well stimulation using conventional fracturing limited entry fracturing and mud acidizing is poor .

    油藏开发初期,曾采用常规压裂,限流压裂和土酸酸化等 增产 措施,但效果不理想。

  • However the success of the well stimulation is not guaranteed . We need to rely on the well testing method to estimate reservoir parameters and predict reservoir performance after the treatment in order to evaluate the efficiency of the fracturing treatment .

    然而 我们无法保证 激励 措施的成功,这就需要通过试井的方法来估计油藏参数并预测压裂后油藏的生产状况,以评价压裂措施效果的好坏。

  • This pattern includes four steps : Firstly taking the pre-drainage of CBM gas from original coal seam by using well stimulation of surface drilling and completion ;

    即:①利用地面钻井及 完井 增产措施,预抽原始煤层的煤层气;

  • Hydraulic fracturing is effective well stimulation in low permeability reservoir .

    水力压裂是开发低渗透油藏的有效 增产 措施

  • Study on decision-making model of single well stimulation

    增产 措施决策模型研究

  • Influence of cold damage on gas well stimulation

    冷伤害对 气井 增产 措施的影响研究

  • Expansion test as an important screening tool is applied widely in miscible flooding and CO 2 well stimulation .

    膨胀试验作为 吞吐工艺试验的重要评价手段之一,在油田注气混相与非混相驱试验中已得到应用。

  • Through many years ′ practice there have been a lot of evaluation methods of economic recoverable reserves and well stimulation but this paper introduces a method which is closer to reality .

    经过多年来的实践,虽然对经济可采储量 增产 措施经济评价方法较多,但本文所阐述的方法是较为广泛应用且切合实际的方法。

  • Based on the history matching we stimulate the development effectiveness of various well stimulation predict 7 kinds of development programs .

    在历史拟合的基础上,模拟了不同 增产 措施的开发效果,预测了7种开发方案。

  • Adjust well is the major method to increase preduction in the old oil field . The adjust well 's cementing quality will directly affect the seperate zone production and well stimulation of the secondary and tertiary recovery and relate to improve recovery in old oilfield .

    钻调整井是老油区挖潜的主要手段,而调整井固井质量的好坏直接影响着二、三次采油产层的分层处理 挖潜增效,关系到老油区提高采收率的问题。

  • The paper studied the dilatancy of different rock and the stimulation principle calculated the explosive load designed the technological process and analyzed the testing result of well stimulation .

    文章对不同岩石压胀特性、压胀松动 增产技术的基本原理进行了研究,对该技术的现场用炸药药量的计算及弹体进行了设计,对现场试验应用情况进行了总结。

  • The popularization and application of injection well stimulation technique with reversed mud acid in Dagang Oilfield

    逆土酸 注技术在大港油田的推广与应用

  • Research and application of method for evaluating well stimulation

    油田 增产 措施评价方法研究及应用

  • If the measure expense is regarded as an investment then investment recycling is the basis that can judge whether the well stimulation is feasible or not .

    如果把措施费用看作一项投资,则投资回收是判断 增产 措施是否可行的依据。

  • Use of pressure buildup testing for determining well stimulation candidate and evaluating well stimulation effectiveness

    利用压力恢复 试井进行 措施选井和措施效果评价

  • Water injection rate can be improved effectively by means of the installation of booster pump on single well accelerating well stimulation and improving water injection sweep efficiency and recovery of the low permeable oilfield .

    通过单井装增压泵的增压注水方式,可以有效提高注水量,促进 油井 见效 增产,达到提高低渗透油田注水波及效率和采收率的目的。

  • The pores and throats of low permeability reservoirs are very narrow which results in the higher injection pressure and serious damage to casings . Well stimulation is a difficult problem which should be solved urgently for low permeability reservoir development .

    低渗透油田孔喉细小,注水压力高, 套管损坏严重,降压 是低渗透油田开发中迫切需要解决的难题。

  • High-pressure water jet deep-penetrating perforation technique is an emerging advanced technology for oil well stimulation and has the highly rock-cutting breaking and cleaning capabilities .

    高压水射流技术是切割破岩、清洗除锈、 油田 增产的新技术。

  • An Alkaline / Surfactant System for Injection Well Stimulation in Low Permeability and High Temperature Oil Reservoirs made or kept cold by refrigeration .

    用于低渗透高温油藏降压 注的表面活性剂二元体系通过冷藏使得温度低或者保持低温度。

  • This paper mainly analyses the recoverable reserves of high water cut stage and economic evaluation methods of well stimulation expounds the economic analysis of pattern encryption adjustment and introduces the calculating methods of economic recoverable reserves and economic production of well stimulation .

    本文着眼于注水开发油田高含水期可采储量及 增产 措施经济评价方法的研究,主要阐述了 网加密调整经济分析、经济可采储量和增产措施经济产量计算方法。

  • The field application shows that the stimulation technology by hydraulic jetting could improve the effect on broken down near wellbore and oil well stimulation .

    现场应用实践表明,水力喷射增产技术可以起到近井地带解堵和 油井 增产的良好效果。

  • A systematical experimental method of acid treatment for increasing injection of injection wells and well stimulation in the low permeability reservoir of Binnan oil field was proposed .

    提出了一种针对 滨南低渗油田欠注 酸化增注的系统实验研究方法。

  • The titled well stimulation technology is developed for high water cut heterogeneous sandstone reservoirs and conducted in following steps : ① high pressure water injection into the aimed production well to boost the pressure in middle-low permeability strata ;

    题示 油井 增产技术适用于高含水非均质砂岩油藏,实施步骤如下:①高压注水入油井,使中低渗层压力升高;

  • Evaluation and Application of Single Well Stimulation for Oil & Gas Field

    油气田单 措施评价及应用