wedding day

[ˈwɛdɪŋ de][ˈwediŋ dei]

[法] 婚礼,结婚纪念日婚期佳期

  • When the wedding day came the bridegroom appeared .

    举行 婚礼 日子来了,新郎出现了。

  • I went up in flames on my wedding day .

    在我 结婚 那天我着了火。

  • Well sister I am truly happy for you on your wedding day .

    呀,姐姐,你 结婚了,我真替你感到高兴。

  • It is your daughter 's wedding day you cannot refuse me .

    这是你女儿 婚礼 日子,你不能拒绝我。

  • I don 't want to punch you out on your wedding day .

    我可不想在你 结婚 上扁你。

  • Today is his wedding day and many of his colleagues came to congratulate him .

    今天他 举行 婚礼,许多同事前来贺喜。

  • I thought the whole wedding day was ruined .

    我以为我的 婚礼就这样被毁了。

  • I can 't believe it 's my little girl 's wedding day .

    我不敢相信这是我的小女孩的 婚礼

  • A : But it was your wedding day !

    但这可是你的 结婚的大 日子

  • Love and wishes to you and our new son-in-law on this wedding day .

    在你们的 大喜 ,给你和我们的女婿所有的爱和祝福。

  • But here I am singing on his wedding day !

    但现在我会在他 婚礼 那天演唱。

  • The wedding day you know this holiday was born ? And who think this holiday ?

    世界 婚纱 ,您知道这个节日是如何诞生的吗?又是谁想到这个节日的呢?

  • I can 't believe you 're telling me this on my wedding day .

    我不敢相信你在我 结婚 当天跟我说这个。

  • The wedding day is approaching .


  • Your wedding day is coming soon so you must speed up your preparations .


  • Because they know that by tradition no Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter 's wedding day .

    因为他们知道,按照传统,没有西西里岛人可以在他女儿 婚礼 日子 拒绝请求。

  • I never said it was Meredith and Derek 's wedding I said it was their wedding day .

    我从没说过会有Meredith和Derek的婚礼,我只是说那是他们 结婚 日子

  • I saved it for my wedding day .

    我留着等我的 结婚 才用。

  • Seeing your and your wife 's beautiful faces on your wedding day in People Magazine was gorgeous .

    在《人物》杂志上看到你和你妻子 结婚 上那美丽的脸庞时,我感觉太棒了。

  • On her wedding day the bride looked truly radiant .

    婚礼 那天,新娘看上去真是光彩照人。

  • Today is your wedding day .

    今天,是你大 日子

  • He wore the same pink Yves Saint Laurent lipstick as his bride on his wedding day in 1984 .

    1984年,在他的 婚礼上,他和新娘一样,涂着 伊夫·圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)粉色口红。

  • We are all of a twitter on the wedding day .

    举行 婚礼 ,我们都兴奋极了。

  • Vera cast her mind back to her wedding day .

    维拉回想起她 婚礼 的情景。

  • We telephoned her a greetings on her wedding day .

    结婚 那天,我们打了电话祝贺她。

  • I suffer badly from cold sores and dread them appearing on my wedding day

    我的唇疱疹很严重,我真担心它会在我的 婚礼 发作

  • You know today is your wedding day but you are1 hour late .

    今天是你的 大喜 ,但你却迟到了一个小时。

  • Susan visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father 's arm

    苏珊想象着 婚礼 当天的情景——自己挽着父亲的手臂走在教堂的过道上。

  • The ghost of a woman appears and tells you the trouble began on Johnny 's wedding day .

    一个女人的鬼魂出现,并告诉你的麻烦就Johnny的 婚礼 开始了。