weather computer

[ˈwɛðɚ kəmˈpjutɚ][ˈweðə kəmˈpju:tə]


  • New satellites can be launched for use in navigation weather forecasting broadcasting and computer technology .

    我们可以合作发射各种新型卫星,包括用于导航、 气象预报、广播、 电子 计算机技术等方面的卫星。

  • The combination of scaling parallel computing technologies and numerical weather forecasting research results is of great significance to develop the high performance parallel computer application to improve the numerical weather forecasting level and to advance the parallel computer study .

    可扩展并行计算技术与数值气象领域研究成果相互渗透,对发展高性能并行计算机的应用、提高数值 气象预报水平、促进并行 计算机的研制,具有极为重要的意义。

  • Unmanned Air Vehicle 's Navigation and Automatic Accurate Landing in All Weather Basd on Infrared Laser Scan and Computer Vision

    基于激光扫描和 计算机视觉的无人机全 天候自主着陆导引技术

  • First a horizontally two-dimensional dynamical diagnosis model is set up in Cartesian coordinates which is used to calculate surface wind field based on grid pressure data from weather maps by a computer scanning technique .

    首先建立一个简单的水平二维地面风场诊断模式,根据由 微机支持的数字化仪输入的地面格点气压场,诊断出 地面风场;

  • An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer .

    自动化 气象站将风向信息输入 计算机

  • In my suitcase will be my sunglasses and Wellington boots as you never know with the weather up there as well as my blackberry and computer .

    我会在行李箱里装上太阳镜和惠灵顿雨靴你永远摸不透那里的 天气还会带上我的黑莓和 电脑

  • The Numerical Weather Prediction ( NWP ) is one of the major aspects of the atmospheric science as well as a big user of High Performance Computer ( HPC ) resources .

    数值 天气预报是大气学科的一个领域,是高性能 计算机的重大用户。

  • He onset and development of ship meteo-routing are introduced in China . With the help of science and technology of weather forecast navigation computer and telecommunication global optimum weather route service can be provided and remarkable social & economic benefit can be achieved .

    作者介绍了船舶气象导航在我国的兴起和发展,利用 气象、航海、 计算机和通信技术,实施全球航线推荐和跟踪导航咨询,取得显著效益。

  • With the development of computer science based on the structural characteristics of Convective weather systems and to make Strong storms forecast achieve computer automation the process can be simulated by computer through image processing technology and the basic methods of pattern recognition .

    随着计算机科学的发展,依据强对流 天气的形态发展,可以借助模式识别的基本理论和图像处理的相关技术,使强风暴的预报实现 计算机自动化。

  • Your newspaper will show you live weather information rather than having it updated & like you have to check your computer in order to do that right ? ( Applause )

    你的报纸会给你看动态 天气报导,不必去更新数据–这原本,要上 计算机才找得到,是吗?(掌声)

  • Numerical weather forecast model is a cosmical operation model that based on non-linear partial differential equations describing the atmosphere motion variations Then modeling future weather element variation based on computer need to process high density data and complex computations .

    中尺度数值天气预报模式是基于描述大气运动变化的非线性偏微分方程组,在 计算机上建立的模拟未来 天气要素变化的大规模运算模式,需要处理大密度的数据和进行复杂的运算。

  • It has many basic functions for predicating geological hazards such as weather datas transposition spacial analysis of predication datas fence conduction spacial countermeasures fence management plane tracing of predication area predicating production making and interactive processing between human and computer .

    实现了 气象数据转置、预报数据空间分析、栅格化处理、空间运算、栅格整理、预警区平面追踪、会商分析、预报产品制作、 人机交互操作等地质灾害 气象预报基本功能。

  • We can look at the weather report on my computer .

    我们可以在 电脑上看 天气 预报

  • The paper describes the design of control and protection system of C band weather radar transmitter . It introduces the basic use of the embedded computer PC / 104 and EPLD in transmitter controlling and their application in transmitter display .

    论述了C波段 气象雷达发射机控制和保护系统的设计方法,介绍了嵌入式 计算机及EPLD控制发射机的基本使用方法,以及它在发射机显示中的应用。

  • In order to cause the weather information factor data and the ECDIS platform related information match this article has also carried on related processing to its data message using the computer .

    为了使 气象信息因子数据与ECDIS平台相关信息匹配,本文也对其数据信息应用 计算机进行了相关处理。