without more ado

[wɪðˈaʊt mɔr əˈdu][wiˈðaut mɔ: əˈdu:]


  • They are marry without more ado .

    他们 干脆 结了婚。

  • Tough Bill had no patience with an obstinacy which could only result in loss to himself and on the last occasion he flung both Strickland and Captain Nichols out of his house without more ado .

    思特里克兰德这种拗脾气结果只能叫硬汉子彼尔吃亏,最后他失去了耐性,一脚把思特 里克兰德同尼柯尔斯船长两个人一起踢出了大门。

  • Upon this the goat without any more ado leaped in .

    于是山羊 立刻下去

  • Make two more repayments to clear the debt He paid up without any more ado .

    再付两笔款把债还清他 不再 啰嗦就付了钱。

  • If Iraq sticks to the road map laid out for it by the United Nations sanctions could be lifted without more ado .

    如果伊拉克恪守联合国有关决议,那么 更多 麻烦就能取消对它的制裁。

  • Reserves were too distant to be able to intervene and it remained only to extricate the force without more ado . Each side committed its reserves and a pitched battle followed .

    后备部队距离过远,不能参加战斗,因而唯有 干脆撤出这支军队。双方都把后备部队投入了战斗,紧接着一场激战开始了。

  • He paid up without any more ado .

    不再 啰嗦就付了钱。

  • Without more ado she signed .

    她很 干脆 签了字。

  • And there he went without more ado on to the river .

    他走了,想都 想,就走到 河面上。

  • This is what is meant by the principle of decentralized command in campaigns and battles . Reserves were too distant to be able to intervene and it remained only to extricate the force without more ado .

    这就是战役和战斗的分散指挥原则。后备部队距离过远,不能参加战斗,因而唯有 干脆撤出这支军队。