without protest

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈprotɛst][wiˈðaut ˈprəutest]


  • She went without giving me time to protest .

    不等提出 抗议就走了。

  • Without protest we became used-car brokers .

    我们成了推销旧车的经纪人,而且 没有 提出 异议

  • She went into the MRI machine without the slightest protest and we began the exam .

    她走进核磁共振仪, 没有丝毫 抗拒,于是我们开始检查。

  • The client wanted to make yet more changes to the proposal so we decided to take the line of least resistance and incorporate all of them without protest .

    当事人相对提议再作一些改动,因此我们决定尽量少麻烦, 毫无 异议地把它们都纳入进去。

  • I went exactly one day without a cigarette : April 25 1995 when I spent the night in jail courtesy of a protest against Rudy Giuliani .

    只有一天我 抽烟:那是1995年4月25日,因为参加 抗议鲁迪·朱利亚尼(RudyGiuliani)的 活动,我在监狱里呆了一晚。

  • You ain 't got nothing without my protest .

    没有我的 演出你什么也得不到。

  • It is less welcome however for anyone who hopes to secure those trade deals without further protest .

    然而,对于任何希望确保达成贸易协定 招致更多 抗议的人来说,这种 转变就不那么受欢迎了。

  • We cannot pass the matter by without making a protest .

    我们不能对这事置之不理, 提出 抗议

  • Passive assent or agreement without protest . The others silently acquiesced in this reasoning .

    默认,默许 异议的被动赞成或同意其余的人默默地赞同了这个意见。

  • Willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest .


  • Although without much reward homeowners protest movements could last for several years .

    即使 没有很高的回报,业主 维权运动也会持续好几年。

  • To overlook forgive or disregard ( an offense ) without protest or censure .

    宽恕 毫无 抗议或责备之意地忽视、谅解或宽恕(冒犯行为)

  • Throughout the cold war barely an Olympiad went by without some protest either about the policies of the host country or of other nations taking part .

    在整个冷战期间,几乎每一届奥运会都曾遭遇某些 抗议,抗议对象 不是主办国的政策,就是其它参与国的政策。

  • These products were introduced without much fuss in the media or protest from the general population .

    这些产品的推出既 没有 引发媒体一片哗然,也 没有招致普通民众的 抗议

  • She had fallen into his arms without a single protest but because she loved him .

    她扑进他的怀里, 没有一丝 反抗,只是因为爱他。

  • My mother did not suffer her authority to pass from her without a shadow of protest .

    我母亲并不是连一丝一毫都没 反抗让她的 大权旁落的。

  • Without a sound and before I could raise a word of protest they disappeared fading into the forest like ghostly wolves .

    我还 来得及 表示 反对,他们就 无声息地消失了,像一群可怕的野狼钻入树林。

  • I don 't know if I can be nice He gave way without protest .

    我不知道能否心平气和,他 心平气和 作了让步。

  • He welcomed her with a bad grace . willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest .

    他很不情愿地接待她。 心甘情愿地执行别人的命令或心愿的。