water pipe

[ˈwɔtɚ paɪp][ˈwɔ:tə paip]


  • The upper and lower water pipe connected with the ground at the construction coated with the brush .

    下水 管道与地面连接处用刷子涂覆施工。

  • The outlet of a water pipe was blocked .


  • Completely ice machine contain : ice machine cooling tower water pump water pipes and water pipe fittings .

    整套机器包括:制冰机,冷却塔,水泵,水管和 水管配件。

  • The water pipe being repaired we had to eat out .

    家里的 水管正在修理,我们只好在外面吃饭。

  • The barometric pulse pressure method is a handy and effectual way for water pipe cleaning .

    气压脉冲法是 给水 管道清洗的一种既方便、果又好的方法。

  • The utility model discloses an automatic pressure washing hollow-fiber water purifier which is connected with a running water pipe for use .

    本实用新型公开了一种与 自来水 连接使用的压力型自动冲洗中空纤维净水器。

  • Perhaps there is a fracture in the water pipe .

    也许 水管有裂缝了。

  • The water inlet of the toilet is communicated with a tap water pipe through a valve .

    所述坐便器的进水口通过阀门与 自来水 连通。

  • You should never join an electric wire to a water pipe .

    你千万不可把电线连接在 水管上。

  • She asked him to fill in the hole and have the broken water pipe repaired .

    她让他把坑填上,让人把 管子修理好。

  • The frost proof faucet comprises a valve a water pipe and a frost-preventive switch .

    本实用新型防冻水龙头包括阀门、 水管和防冻开关。

  • When in use a water pipe is connected with the connecting pipe .

    使用时,将 水管连接到连接管上即可。

  • There should be water pipe and water sink in fume hood .

    通风橱内宜要有 水管,水槽。

  • He accidentally drilled into a water pipe .

    他不小心把 管子钻漏了。

  • Obviously if the pipeline construction to achieve the national norms the system leakage of water pipe network rarely .

    显然若管道施工达到国家规范,系统 管网的泄漏 水量很少。

  • There is a break in the water pipe .


  • Cuts open the water pipe to make a hole on the opposite side of the same size .

    苏克雷在 输水 管道中切开了洞,然后准备在 管道的另一面再切个相同大小的洞。

  • They cut our wires by mistake and then broke the water pipe .

    他们不小心切断了我们的电缆,后来弄裂了 水管

  • The high-pressure flushing water pipe is controlled by the time-delay switch .

    高压冲 水管由延时开关控制。

  • The frame work is made up of steel water pipe and rebar .

    框架的工作是由钢 水管和钢筋。

  • Effect of Seepage on Tube Pitch of Underground Water Pipe Heat Exchanger

    渗流对地下 换热器传热管间距的影响

  • The road workers accidentally severed a water pipe .

    马路工人不小心切断了一条 水管

  • The reticular water pipe make us comfortable and convenient in daily life .

    网状交织的 水管使我们的日常生活舒适和便利。

  • There must be prompt : the use of gas pipes and water pipe ground is absolutely impossible !

    这里一定要提示:使用燃气管道和 自来水 管道接地是绝对不可以的!

  • Analysis of concrete temperature field considering water pipe cooling

    考虑 水管冷却的混凝土温度场的分析

  • The application of the multi-function related leak hunting instrument in the water pipe network as well as the achieved results is presented .

    介绍了多功能测漏相关仪在 供水 管网测漏中的应用,以及所取得的效果。

  • The leaves clog our drains in the Fall ; The water pipe is backed up .

    秋天树叶堵塞了我们的 排水沟。

  • Instrument needed : water pipe brush container for chemical .

    所需要的 器具: 水管,刷子,盛装化学品的容器。

  • A water heater a steam generator or a hot water pipe can be hung on the supporting frame .

    支架上可挂有热水器、蒸汽发生器或 热水

  • The water had been spurting out for half an hour before the workman came to repair the water pipe .

    管道 喷了半小时,维修工才来修理。