


  • Torres says he found it hard to handle the huge setbacks of his repeated injury problems and Liverpool 's woeful campaign .

    托雷斯说道,处理他个人 如此巨大的挫折以及反反复复的伤病非常困难,而利物浦俱乐部的 糟糕 战绩 同样 棘手

  • Woeful souls are wailing in an abysmal pond .


  • They look worth a bet at odds against and are much the most likely to deliver from these two considering Boro 's woeful form which has seen them win just once in18 league matches .

    他们期待着值得一赌,他们是最有可能去传递从这两个考虑 米德尔斯堡的惨况的形式,他们只在18场比赛中赢了一场。

  • A woeful hostess brooks not merry guests .

    心情 凄苦的女主人, 不了欢娱的宾客;

  • They displayed woeful ignorance of the safety rules .

    他们对安全条例表现出 可悲的无知。

  • There was a lake with woeful water where there was a road you had walked .

    你在 多年前走过的路面,现在 满载 忧伤的湖水。

  • Still the lack of respect shown by his classmates did not hinder mike from persisting with telling his woeful tales .

    但是,他的同学对他不够尊重这个事实并没有阻止迈克坚持讲他 悲哀的故事。

  • Given its debt its budget and current account deficits and its woeful lack of competitiveness Greece cannot escape the debt trap .

    考虑到希腊的债务、预算与经常账户赤字和竞争力的 极度 低下,该 根本无力摆脱债务陷阱。

  • After all the eurozone ( like Japan before it ) is hovering near deflation marred by a woeful lack of demand and fragmented political structures that seem unable to promote rapid structural reform .

    毕竟,欧元区(像之前的日本那样)在通缩的边缘徘徊,还受到两个问题的 掣肘:需求 严重短缺,以及似乎无法推进快速结构性改革的各自为政的政治结构。

  • Every day brings a barrage of woeful economic news .

    每天都会出现一连串 令人 担忧的经济新闻。

  • When I saw her woeful face I knew she had bad news .

    看到她 悲伤的面孔时,我就知道她有坏消息了。

  • His woeful eyes betrayed his feeling .


  • His work displays a woeful lack of imagination .

    他的作品 令人 遗憾 显示出缺乏想像力。

  • Rising inequality corruption and woeful inadequacies in the education and health systems have emboldened some leftwing critics of the reform process .

    不平等程度加深、腐败现象,以及教育和医疗体系的不完善,增强了那些对改革进程持批评态度的 左翼人士的勇气。

  • This ignorance has led to some woeful choices .

    由于这种无知而作出了一些 糟糕的选择。

  • Stroeve gave me a look with his woeful eyes .

    施特略夫用他 愁苦的眼睛瞪了我一眼。

  • He said conditions in the jail where he was held briefly after his arrest last week had been woeful .

    他形容上周自己被捕后所处的关押场所的条件 相当 恶劣

  • China 's state-owned commercial bank finds itself in a woeful predicament and its reform is beset with difficulties .

    中国国有商业银行 身陷困局,改革困难重重。

  • Forlorn and woeful the old capital lay in gray morning light as we entered .

    当我们进入 南京 时候,这古老的京城正孤独地, 忧郁 躺在灰色的晨曦中。

  • This betrays a woeful lack of full understanding of the correlation among social programs democracy equity and economic growth and of enough em.

    这说明社会项目与经济增长之间 复杂的相互作用的关系在 没有得到充分的认识,并进而在经济社会发展中得到足够的重视。

  • Such attitudes are the product of woeful ignorance .

    这样的态度是 极度 无知造成的。

  • Even with the apparent acceleration however job creation remains woeful .

    尽管出现了显著的加速 上升,新增就业 状况 相当 悲惨

  • He sat there with a woeful expression .

    他坐在那里,表情 忧伤

  • Too many children are still out of school and many government schools are woeful .

    大量儿童仍然无学可上,很多公立学校的 条件 非常 恶劣

  • Failure to keep pace in the fast-changing computer world can exact a woeful price .

    在计算机世界里跟不上急速变化的步伐就要 付出 可悲的代价。

  • Many Brazilians are angered about the billions being spent on the tournament saying the money should have gone to improving Brazil 's woeful public services .

    许多巴西人对于竞技比赛上花费的大量资金感到愤怒,他们称这些钱本应该被用来改善巴西 糟糕的公共服务。

  • They are intensely worried about America 's past sins and its current woeful image in the world .

    他们非常担心美国过去的罪孽和它现在在世界上的 可悲形象。

  • As for me I have not hastened from being a pastor to follow thee : neither have I desired the woeful day ; thou knowest : that which came out of my lips was right before thee .

    至于我,那跟从你作牧人的 职分,我并没有急忙离弃,也没有想 灾殃的日子。这是你知道的。

  • The woeful state of the economy he said is a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some .

    他说, 美国 糟糕的经济形势是“由于某些人的贪婪和不负责任而导致的”。